
CPG enterprises need to be consumer-centric to achieve sustainability. A laser focus on consumers, their needs and expectations is imperative to address growing consumer demands, low brand commitment, and competition from traditional as well as non-traditional brands.

The Live CPG Enterprise re-imagines the customer experience by adopting the direct to consumer route. The sentient and context-aware enterprise harnesses data to better understand needs of customers in real time. It converts insights to develop products that resonate with changing customer needs. Significantly, it offers a seamless, frictionless, and bespoke customer experience across touch points.


Challenges & Solutions

Our Customer Genome solution helps CPG companies segment customers, identify unique traits, and map out the genome of customers. Marketers drag and drop genes into segments for customized promotions. Our solution helped Adidas identify 8,000+ genes and 300+ consumer personas.

Our next generation digital marketing platform reduces time-to-market by incorporating advanced technologies and ensuring standard compliance. Our platform helped Diageo improve time-to-market by 50% and save 25-30% in digital marketing costs.

Infosys Smart Supply Chain solution helps CPG companies across the farm-to-fork lifecycle. It blends SAP Leonardo with IoT and blockchain to share real-time data with constituents. Significantly, it provides product provenance information to customers on a mobile app to prevent counterfeit products. Infosys helped a leading coffee company trace the journey of the coffee bean.

Kraft Heinz’s website is powered by our platform in partnership with Meijer. A customer can visit the website for recipes, select ingredients and add them to the cart, and fetch the consignment from the nearest Meijer store. This program has been implemented across 50+ stores in the US, registering a 20% growth in average cart value.

Success story:

Infosys Product Lifecycle Management leverages rich experience across multiple packages in product lifecycle management to improve time-to-market. We partnered with CPG companies for product development automation leading to a 17.5 % reduction in product costs, 75% reduction in eco lifecycle, 25-35% reduction in design cycle and 15% reduction in time-to-volume cycle.

Motherboard, our qualitative insight generation platform uncovers nuanced data about customer attitudes, which can be used to customize products or create new products. It is an indigenous platform of Wongdoody, our creative and consumer insights agency.

Infosys and SAP Marketing Cloud enable CPG companies to segment their customers, build target groups, and undertake campaigns across channels for customer acquisition.

SAP Marketing Cloud, a SaaS-based solution, offers customer insights using real-time contextual marketing, to deliver a personalized customer experience.

Our end-to-end solution leverages standard integration capabilities of SAP Marketing Cloud with C/4 HANA components and S/4HANA. Our accelerated cloud transformation (ACT) methodology combined with SAP's Activate methodology offers a prompt and scalable solution. It drives significant growth in customer acquisition and retention due to enhanced visibility of dynamic customer profiling, precise customer targeting, well-defined audience segmentation and campaigns, personalized customer interactions, and informed marketing decisions.