Openreach leverages technology to drive business: Openreach CTIO

Openreach CTIO Colin Lees believes that a CSP should leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics and robotic process automation (RPA) to drive transformational business value. In a fireside chat, he discusses the company’s strategic partnership with Infosys.

Building a fiber network at scale

Colin emphasizes the need of a plug-and-play network and IT integration with minimal code. Openreach partners with Infosys to roll out Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband ISP network in the United Kingdom.


Colin highlights the innovative solutions developed jointly by Openreach and Infosys to provide a superior customer experience. He shares how the Enterprise Intelligent Virtual Assistant (EiVA), chatbot uses AI to serve customers and reduce inbound calls by 50%. In addition, the award-winning MyServices app for the partner ecosystem enables engineers to accelerate troubleshooting and resolution of service issues.

Openreach, part of BT Group, partners with Infosys to implement Project Gigabit, the future-proof gigabit-capable broadband across the United Kingdom.