Unified communications and contact center as a service

Trend 9: Cloud migration and digital inclusivity become essential

As enterprises focus on return to work and hybrid working, enterprises need to have the right toolset for communication and collaboration to ensure digital inclusivity. Our research reveals that diversity of employees can bring new strength and resilience to businesses. Combined with the proven benefits of reskilling, the increase of automation, and the flexibility of contract types and locations - the future workplace is on course to become more inclusive to a wider demographic of people.

The pandemic has shown the importance of cloud transformation. Many industries have moved unified communications and collaboration workloads to the cloud as part of their ongoing digital transformation. During this process, while some functionalities have moved to the cloud, certain modalities are yet to move due to the intricacies of real-time collaboration and regulatory compliance. There is tremendous opportunity to maximize cloud migration and reap the benefits, as technology, solutions, and offerings mature, and regulatory bodies realize the need to adopt the new normal of hybrid working.

With increased cloud adoption, the focus on security remains paramount in ensuring the protection of privacy, intellectual properties, and the image of the enterprise. CPaaS solutions for fraud prevention, fishing call elimination and user authentication help meet the right level of security needed for UcaaS platforms along with the right processes for cloud platforms. While migration to cloud continues, special focus is needed in certain industry segments – healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, mining and utilities, on digital inclusivity of frontline workers as real time communication is key for proper coordination and at times discharging lifesaving functions. Designing a reliable persona-based solution with the right modalities, on the right devices is key to ensuring continued real-time communication and collaboration services for frontline workers.

A large utilities provider in the European Union wanted to ease the work of its powerplant workers. Infosys built an integrated workflow on UCaaS platform to streamline critical powerplant requests through intelligent routing of multiple powerplant callers to the command center, resulting in efficient operations and better coordination between powerplants and command centers.

Unified communications and contact center as a service

Trend 10: Cognitive and connected platforms drive verticalized experience

Customer care for internal and external customers in the current enterprise environment immensely vary in experience. External customer care expectations have considerably increased with rich consumer collaboration tools. Also, unifying the experience for internal customers and external customers results in better cognitive learning model development, leading to better experience for end users from virtual agents. As virtual agents mature, human agents can be elevated to solve higher degree problems. Cognitive model enhancement can happen when varying data sources are fed to the engine along with inference patterns through connected platforms – unified communication, contact center, physical spaces, and customer relationship management (CRM). AI models verticalized with industry domain knowledge on the data sources from connected platforms will help solve industry-specific needs. Rich analytical insights derived from these models can feed into improving the XLAs as well as enhancing the products and services being supported by the integrated customer care center. Digital amplification through customers’ intent prediction leading to smart nudges and guided workflows help human agents provide the fastest journey to resolution, leading to a hyperproductive work environment.

A large Nordics-based bank collaborated with Infosys to drive its CX and AX transformation to create a hyperproductive environment for agents. Infosys enabled Genesys Cloud CC through next-gen self-service automation and deep analytics and intelligent workflow automation using AI/ML, smart nudges, next best action, and contextual guidance to customers through actionable insights. This provided agents the right information at the right time (in real time), resulting in better customer experience.