Infosys Sustainability Cloud

Infosys Sustainability Cloud empowers organizations to drive positive environmental impact and achieve business success to create a sustainable future. Leveraging advanced analytics, data transparency, and innovative tools, our platform transforms environmental challenges into flexible, scalable, practical, and sustainable solutions.

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How we can help

Empowering businesses with innovative solutions for sustainable success

Staying ahead of the rapidly evolving ESG policy and reporting landscape

Staying ahead of the rapidly evolving ESG policy and reporting landscape.

A clear picture of the organization’s impact on the world and vice versa can ensure better strategy and reporting.

Improves data transparency, connectivity, and harmonization.

Discover deeper and more sustainable impact points across organizational operations

Discover deeper and more sustainable impact points across organizational operations.

Real-time analytics from an ESG lens unlocks previously overlooked opportunities and risks.

Enhance and manage sustainability across value chains

Enhance and manage sustainability across value chains.

Managing suppliers, customers, and the data between them to develop a comprehensive ecosystem geared towards becoming sustainable at its core.

Our Offerings

Discover Infosys Sustainability Cloud’s range of solutions across industries, from ESG strategy and reporting to sustainable operations and value chain management