Infosys Sustainability Cloud

Infosys Sustainability Cloud empowers organizations to achieve positive environmental and social impact while driving tangible business success. The Sustainability Cloud gathers and integrates point solutions and horizontal platforms from across the Infosys sustainability landscape to enable flexible, scalable, and practical sustainability programs for our clients.

Every Infosys client is grappling with sustainability – in every industry and region. Regulations, customers, partners, and market dynamics demand it. Many will start reporting, but very quickly, they will realize several things, usually in this order:

  • Sustainability reporting isn’t easy. It requires data access, alignment, and transparency that can strain even the most connected and agile IT departments. Additionally, it involves a combination of business knowledge, sustainability domain experience, and technical skills, which are hard to assemble.
  • Every aspect of internal operations must be analyzed and addressed to support reporting and more to make improvements, including facilities, production, logistics, HR, IT, supplier engagement and sourcing. Every department and group must be engaged.
  • Internal operations are the tip of the iceberg compared to the entire value chain of suppliers, partners and customers. While it’s hard enough to gather internal data and make improvements, it’s far more challenging to collect data from external partners and motivate them to make changes.

Infosys Sustainability Cloud can answer these questions and solve these problems.

It is organized around three primary themes:

  • ESG Strategy and Reporting: Effective sustainability reporting requires assessing the enterprises’ impact on the world, the world’s impact on the enterprise, and the strategic opportunities to improve both. This heavily depends on data transparency, connectivity, and harmonization.
  • Sustainable Operations: Across industries, inputs, outputs, efficiency and waste impact costs, profitability, and sustainability. Applying a lens of sustainability reveals new metrics and methods for evaluating success beyond mere dollars and cents, and new solutions enable holistic improvements and complete reinvention.
  • Sustainable Value Chain: For most clients, reporting and internal operations are the primary sustainability focus areas because they are better known and more controllable. However, for most, the far larger impact (both environmentally and socially) comes from the entire value chain. Engaging with suppliers and customers on where materials come from, where they end up, how they are sourced and processed, and by whom is critically important and very difficult to do in a vacuum. Connecting the points and players in the value chain is where the ecosystem’s role can be most important and valuable.