A UK-based Multinational Bank with an employee base of more than 225 thousand and serving 40 million personal wealth and corporate customers in over 60 countries.

With wide-spread operations and a large employee base to manage, it is extremely essential for the bank to capture the employee experience and use the feedback to effectively enhance the overall employee experience and engagement.

Key Challenges

The bank needed to streamline the feedback mechanism by using a single experience platform. Infosys implemented Qualtrics Employee Experience program to help bank understand the employee experience and feedback at different touchpoints that mattered to them and, take corrective actions before they become part of the culture.

  • Distinctive localization requirements: Merging the different country-specific localized requirements to a single global exit template was a challenging task for the business.
  • Low exit survey response rate: Business wanted to ensure employees complete the exit survey as part of their last payroll process.
  • Inefficient multi-rater feedback mechanism: The employee had limited channels to identify their strengths and weaknesses. In addition to this, a cross team comparative analysis was missing. Moreover, a standardized process was required to reduce manual efforts.
  • Lack of structured feedback process for Internal transfers: The business had internal employee transfers on regular basis. There was a lack of structured feedback process to capture experience of previous department, new department and the transfer process itself.
  • Complex data privacy law: The bank wanted to ensure that sensitive data of the employees captured throughout is protected, as a part of complex data privacy law compliance.
  • Delayed employee feedback: In the absence of quick and easy go-to ways to address their grievances, employee’s well-being got affected or were investigated after a prolonged time period, causing frustration and decreased motivation.

Ready to experience?


The Solution

Our Solution: Employee Experience Management Using Qualtrics

A holistic solution was implemented using Qualtrics. Infosys team provided the expertise to build a global template for the pilot countries and business units of the bank. This was subsequently rolled out to other geographies and business units. The solution was delivered in two parts:

  1. A standard solution applicable globally
  2. Multiple region-specific solutions based on local needs, where detailed surveys were instituted as per the policies of each country in various local languages.

The two-fold solution encompassed different aspects of employee experience program:

Synchronised exit protocol: To streamline the exit processes, a customised survey was created which included region specific exit process requirements. This single survey solution was effectively used by the HR admin teams in different countries seamlessly. Furthermore, response rates of exit survey were improved by sending multiple reminders to personal emails post an employee’s separation.

360-degree feedback: A culminative analysis of an employee’s performance by peers, superiors, subordinates, and oneself is critical for improvement. Standard templates were created to capture 360-degree feedback. HR admin team used these templates to clone further. The reports of the feedback gave meaningful insights to the individual employee for their personal growth and the managers for checking their direct reports’ performance.

Internal transitions: For internal job posting and internal restructuring, two separate surveys were built, 'Internal Movers' and 'Workforce Restructuring', respectively. These surveys helped anticipate the employee readiness, increased employee retention and enhanced employee morale. Infosys helped creating and automating the trigger of surveys to the required participant.

Digital connect: To assess the employee well-being, we used Qualtrics digital intercepts. A pilot launch was done for digital connect where Qualtrics feedback was embedded in the HR direct portal. Using SSO functionality, employee operational data was captured along with experiential data in real-time. This made employee listening team proactive in case of negative responses.

Employee experience management using Qualtrics covering all major touch points in an employee’s journey


Owing to similarities in human experience and grievances, irrespective of geographical location, as ideated by client, we implemented the Qualtrics Employee XM across more than 50 countries. This helped in streamlining and integrating the widely spread-out system. The newly integrated and closely connected employee experience system has led to many positive changes. Now the employees are heard, and their grievances addressed much faster. Other key benefits of this program are:

Comparative Analysis

The 360-degree feedback report provides a comparative analysis to every subject in terms of 'How they rate themselves' and 'How others perceive them'. This helps the individual to position themselves better and work on their shortcomings. Managers also get a holistic view of all their direct reportees' in a single platform which in turn provides them a cumulative analysis across streams.

Efficient and effective processes

A structured and systematic single platform that facilitated hearing employee feedback, gathering employee performance insights, and analyzing insights easier.

Enhanced employee experience

The implemented solution helped track employee satisfaction throughout their journey with the company. The lifecycle surveys (onboarding, exit and internal movers) allowed the bank to introduce changes smoothly which helped in identifying genuine areas of improvement and reduce their attrition risk.