
Infosys Solution for Vegetation Management for Utilities

The risk of wildfires has increased in recent years due to climate change, population growth, and human habitation along the borders of wildlands and urban settlements. For electric utility companies, the unchecked growth of vegetation in these areas exacerbates the risk of wildfires and creates several challenges such as outages and power-line related wildfires. Most utility companies spend nearly 30% of maintenance expenses on vegetation management programs.

Since forest cover is vital for the planet, the way forward lies in planned vegetation management. Without the right approach and execution, utility companies may find themselves paying huge fines to customers and regulatory authorities.

Infosys solution for Vegetation Management for Utilities is a unique solution to address risks due to unwanted vegetation around electrical transmission and distribution lines. The solution uses SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) to handle several tasks such as image surveys, risk assessments, and work management processes related to vegetation management. Thus, it helps utility companies take a risk prioritization-based approach, rather than traditional ones, to effectively manage vegetation.

Infosys Solution for Vegetation Management for Utilities