Transfer of equity shares to the Investor Education and Protection Fund

All shares of the Company in respect of which dividends have remained unclaimed or un-encashed for seven consecutive years or more, are required to be transferred by the Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (‘IEPF’) established by the Government of India.

The company sends periodic communication to the respective shareholders to claim/encash the dividend.

Details of Equity Shares transferred to the IEPF

The shares on which dividends were due for seven consecutive years were transferred to the IEPF Authority. The details are hereunder:

Particulars of dividend Date of transfer
Final Dividend 2009-10 November 30, 2017
Interim and Final Dividend 2010-11 March 9, 2018 & August 10, 2018
Interim and Final Dividend 2011-12 December 14, 2018 & August 14, 2019
Interim and Final Dividend 2012-13 December 17, 2019 & August 21, 2020
Interim and Final Dividend 2013-14 December 22, 2020 & August 17, 2021
Interim and Final Dividend 2014-15 December 10, 2021 & August 20, 2022
Interim and Final Dividend 2015-16 December 14, 2022 & August 16, 2023
Interim and Final Dividend 2016-17 December 22, 2023 & November 8, 2024
Interim Dividend 2017-18 March 25, 2025

Shareholders may input the following to check the number of shares transferred to IEPF authority:

1. Shares held in Physical mode - Folio No. (Eg: ITL000000)
2. Shares held in Dematerialised Mode:

NSDL - 6 digit/character DP ID and 8 digit client ID (Eg: IN30000010000000)

CDSL - 16 digit client ID (Eg: 1200000000002000)


Shareholders may note that the shares/dividend transferred to IEPF can be claimed by making an application to the Authority in Form IEPF 5 (to be filed online) at the following link

(to be used by shareholders/claimants whose shares and/or dividend have been transferred by the Company to Investor Education and Protection Fund)

Details of Equity Shares liable to be transferred to the IEPF

The Company will be transferring the underlying shares pertaining to Interim dividend declared for the financial year 2017-18 on which dividend is unclaimed/un-encashed for seven consecutive years.

Shareholders are requested to claim the Interim dividend of the financial year 2017-18 by submitting the required details to company’s RTA KFin Technologies Limited (email- on or before November 18, 2024. Kindly note that all requests received between August 17, 2024 and November 18, 2024 will be processed only through electronic credit. The dividend payment will be processed if the request is found appropriate in all respects.

Shareholders may input the following to check the number of shares liable to be transferred to IEPF authority:

1. Shares held in Physical mode - Folio No. (Eg: ITL000000)
2. Shares held in Dematerialised Mode:

NSDL - 6 digit/character DP ID and 8-digit client ID (Eg: IN30000010000000)

CDSL - 16-digit client ID (Eg: 1200000000002000)