Investor FAQs

Corporate information

1) What is the area of operation of Infosys?
Infosys Limited (Infosys) – along with its majority owned and controlled subsidiaries – is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. The company provides end-to-end business solutions that leverage technology. The company provides solutions that span the entire software life cycle encompassing consulting, technology, engineering, and outsourcing services. In addition, the company offers software products and platforms.

2) Where and in which year was Infosys incorporated?
Infosys was incorporated in 1981 as Infosys Consultants Private Limited, a private limited company under the Indian Companies Act, 1956. It changed its name to Infosys Technologies Private Limited in April 1992, to Infosys Technologies Limited in June 1992, when it became a public limited company, and to Infosys Limited in June 2011. Infosys completed its initial public offering of equity shares in India in 1993 and its initial public offering of American Depositary Shares (ADSs) in the United States in 1999. In July 2003, June 2005 and November 2006, it completed sponsored secondary offerings of ADSs in the United States on behalf of its shareholders.

3) What is the revenue and profit of Infosys for the recently concluded quarter and for the recently concluded annual year?

As per IFRS (Rs cr) As per IFRS ($ m)
Q3 FY25 revenues 41,764 4,939
Q3 FY25 net profits (post minority) 6,806 804
FY 24 revenues 153,670 18,562
FY 24 net profits (post minority) 26,233 3,167

4) What is the 5-year revenue and profit CAGR of Infosys?

As per IFRS (Rs cr) As per IFRS ($ m)
Revenue* 13.2% 9.5%
Net profit (post minority)* 11.2% 7.6%

*Based on FY24 financials

5) What is the employee strength of the Infosys Group?
Infosys and its subsidiaries had 323,379 employees as of December 31, 2024.

6) Does the company have debt in its balance sheet?
Infosys is a debt-free company. It doesn't have any outstanding debt or fixed deposits. The company presently generates sufficient cash internally to finance all its operational, financing and investment requirements.

7) What is the credit rating of the company?
The credit rating of the company is as follows:

Rating agency Rating Outlook
Moody’s Baa1 Stable
Standard & Poor’s A Stable
Dun & Bradstreet 5A1 Condition: Strong

8) How is the global presence for Infosys?
Infosys’ operations are spread across 265 locations in 56 countries. Please visit here for details related to our global locations.

9) What is the address of the registered office of Infosys?
The address of the registered office of Infosys is as below.

Infosys Limited
Electronics City
Hosur Road
Bengaluru 560 100, India
Tel.: +91 80 2852 0261
Fax: +91 80 2852 0362

10) What is Infosys Limited Corporate Identity Number (CIN) ?
The Company is incorporated under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956. The Corporate Identity Number (CIN) provided by Ministry of Corporate Affairs is - L85110KA1981PLC013115.

11) When does the financial year of Infosys end?
The Infosys financial year ends on March 31.

12) In which stock exchanges are Infosys shares / American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) listed and what are the codes?
The equity shares of Infosys are listed on BSE and NSE in India and its ADS is listed on the NYSE in the US. The respective codes are as below.

India USA
Exchange code INFY INFY INFY
Bloomberg code INFO IS INFO IB INFY US

13) What is Infosys Limited International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) ?
ISIN is a 12-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a specific security. The ISIN number of Infosys is - INE009A01021.

14) Where can I obtain information on the financial results of Infosys?
The quarterly and annual financial results of Infosys can be accessed at:

15) Where can I obtain details on the Infosys stockholders?
Infosys stockholder details are provided at the link below:

ADR information

16) What is an American Depositary Share (ADS)?
An ADS is a negotiable certificate evidencing ownership of an outstanding class of stock in a non-US company. ADSs are created when ordinary shares are delivered to a custodian bank in the domestic market, which then instructs a depositary bank in the US to issue ADSs based on a predetermined ratio. ADSs are SEC-registered securities and may trade freely, just like any other security, either on an exchange or in the over-the-counter market.

17) What is the ratio of equity shares to ADS?
1 equity share held / traded in India is equivalent to 1 ADS held / traded on NYSE.

18) Do the ADSs have voting rights?
Yes. In the event of a matter submitted to the holders of ordinary shares for a vote, the ADS holders on record as at a particular date will be allowed to instruct the depositary bank to exercise the vote in respect of the equity shares representing the ADS held by them.

19) Are the ADSs entitled to cash dividends?
Yes, whenever dividends are paid to ordinary shareholders, cash dividends to ADS holders are declared in local currency and paid in dollars (based on the prevailing exchange rate) by the depositary bank, net of the depositary’s fees and expenses.

Equity shares information

20) When did Infosys make its initial public offer (IPO) and what was the initial listing price? Was there any follow-on offering?
Infosys made an initial public offer in February 1993 and its shares were listed on stock exchanges in India in June 1993. Trading opened at Rs. 145 per share, compared to the IPO price of Rs. 95 per share. In October 1994, Infosys made a private placement of 5,50,000 shares at Rs. 450 each to Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), Financial Institutions (FIs) and body corporates. In March 1999, it issued 20,70,000 ADSs (equivalent to 10,35,000 equity shares of par value of Rs. 10 each) at US$34 per ADS under the American Depositary Shares Program and the same were listed on the NASDAQ National Market. All the above data is unadjusted for issue of stock split and bonus shares. During July 2003, June 2005 and November 2006, it made successful secondary ADR issues of US$294 million, US$1.07 billion and US$1.605 billion respectively.

In December 2012, Infosys transferred the listing of its American Depositary Shares (ADS) to the NYSE from the NASDAQ. In February 2013, Infosys got listed in Euronext London and Paris markets. In June 2018, Infosys voluntarily delisted its shares from Euronext London and Paris due to low average daily trading volume of Infosys’ ADS on these exchanges which was not commensurate with the related administrative requirements.

21) What is the history of bonus issues (equivalent to stock split in the form of stock dividend) and stock split at Infosys?

Fiscal Bonus share issue Stock split ratio
1986 1:1 -
1989 1:1 -
1991 1:1 -
1992 1:1 -
1994 1:1 -
1997 1:1 -
1999 1:1 -
2000 - 2 for 1
2005 3:1 -
2007 1:1 -
2015 1:1 -
2016 1:1 -
2019 1:1 -

22) Does Infosys have a dividend reinvestment program or dividend stock purchase plan?
Infosys does not offer a dividend reinvestment program or dividend stock program at present.

23) Does Infosys pay dividends? What is the dividend policy of Infosys?
Infosys pays dividends to its shareholders. The policy for dividend distribution can be accessed here:

The Board of Directors reviews the Capital Allocation Policy from time to time.

Effective from financial year 2025, the Company expects to continue its policy of returning approximately 85% of the free cash flow cumulatively over a 5-year period through a combination of semi-annual dividends and/or share buyback/ special dividends subject to applicable laws and requisite approvals, if any.

Under this policy, the Company expects to progressively increase its annual Dividend Per Share (excluding special dividend if any).

24) What was the Dividend Per Share paid out during the last ten years?

Fiscal Interim Dividend* () Final Dividend* () Special Dividend* () Total Dividend* ()
2014 2.50 5.38 - 7.88
2015 3.75 7.38 - 11.13
2016 5.00 7.13 - 12.13
2017 5.50 7.38 - 12.88
2018 6.50 10.25 5.00 21.75
2019 7.00 10.50 4.00 21.50
2020 8.00 9.50 - 17.50
2021 12.00 15.00 - 27.00
2022 15.00 16.00 - 31.00
2023 16.50 17.50 - 34.00
2024 18.00 20.00 8.00 46.00
2025 21.00 - - -

*Adjusted for bonus shares and stock splits (Amount rounded off to two decimal place)

Earnings release date

25) What is the tentative date of release of financial results?

Quarter ending Earnings release date
March 31, 2025 April 17, 2025

26) When is the dividend declared?
Infosys pays dividend twice a year. Historically, an interim dividend is generally declared by the board in October along with the adoption of second quarter results. Additionally, a final dividend is recommended by the Board in April along with the adoption of annual results. The final dividend is subject to the approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

27) When is the AGM held?
AGM for Fiscal 2024 was held virtually on June 26, 2024. The event was live webcast on Infosys website.

28) Does the company organize any investor day / analyst day?
The company organizes an Analyst day in India periodically. Last Analyst Day was organized in Mumbai on 31st May, 2022. Both the buy-side and sell-side are invited to the event.

29) What is the procedure to nominate in respect of shareholding?
Members who have not yet registered their nomination can register the same by submitting Form No. SH-13. Members can cancel/change the nomination made by submitting Form SH-14. The said forms can be downloaded at this link. Members are requested to submit the said details to their depository participants, in case the shares are held by them in electronic form and to RTA, KFin Technologies Limited, in case the shares are held in physical form.

30) Does the company follow quiet period?
Yes. Infosys follows quiet periods prior to its earnings release every quarter. During the quiet period, the company or any of its officials will not discuss earnings expectations with any external parties.

Quarter ending Earnings release date Quiet period
March 31, 2025 April 17, 2025 March 16, 2025 - April 16, 2025

31) Who are the Statutory Auditors of Infosys?

Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP
Chartered Accountants
Prestige Trade Tower, Level 19
46, Palace Road, High Grounds,
Bengaluru – 560 001
Tel: +91 (80) 6188 6000
Fax: +91 (80) 6188 6011

Investor contact information

32) Investor contact

For queries relating to financial statement:

Jayesh Sanghrajka
Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +91 80 2852 1705
Fax: +91 80 2852 0754

For investor matters:

Sandeep Mahindroo
Financial Controller and Head – Investor Relations
Tel.: +91 80 3980 1018

Registrar and share transfer agents:

KFin Technologies Limited
Registrars and Share Transfer Agents,
Selenium Tower B, Plot 31 & 32,
Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal,
Hyderabad - 500 032, Telangana.
Toll free number - 1- 800-309-4001

Name and address of the depositary bank for the purpose of ADS:

In India
Deutsche Bank AG, Filiale Mumbai
Global Transaction Banking / Global Equity Services –
Depositary Receipts, The Capital, C-70, G Block
Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 051, India
Tel : 91 22 7180 4386
Fax : 91 22 7180 4122

In the US
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
Floor 16 , Global Transaction Banking
Global Equity Services – Depositary Receipts
60 Wall Street, 10005-2836, New York, NY, U.S.
Tel : 1 212 250 1305
Fax : 1 732 544 6346

Name and address of the custodian in India for the purpose of ADS:

ICICI Bank Limited
Securities Market Services
Empire Complex, F7 / E7 First Floor
414, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai 400 013, India
Tel : 91 22 6667 2756
Fax : 91 22 6667 2740