How to vote

  1. Shareholders will have to choose between the three modes of holding, i.e. holding shares in physical form, holding shares in a demat account with a depository participant connected to National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) or holding shares in a demat account with a depository participant connected to Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL).
  2. Investors having a demat account with a depository participant connected to NSDL: Enter the depository participant identification number (DP ID) and client identification number (Client ID). Example: DP ID – IN302902 and Client ID – 11111111
  3. Investors having a demat account with a depository participant connected to CDSL: Enter the 16 digit demat account number. Example: Demat Account Number is 1234567832145678
  4. Investors holding shares in physical form: Enter the registered folio number. Example: Folio – ITL000123
  5. If valid entry as per Step 2, Step 3 or Step 4 above is done, you will be able to cast your ballot. Cast your ballot by clicking on the check box corresponding to each resolution and make your selection by choosing "In Favor," "Against" or "Abstain" for each resolution. Alternatively, you can also click the SELECT ALL button and cast your ballot.
  6. Click the SAVE / NEXT button to preview your ballot selections. If the ballots are as per your selection, click the SUBMIT button.
  7. Investors may cast their non-mandatory ballot only once on a resolution, using a specific demat account. If an investor has multiple demat accounts, he / she will be able to participate in the non-mandatory ballot separately, for each demat account, by using the respective DP ID and Client ID.
  8. The portal will be open for participation from 10 a.m. IST on June 10, 2009 to 5 p.m. IST on June 18, 2009.
Vote Online