
Infosys is a ‘Leader’ in the IDC MarketScape: EMEA Digital Transformation Service Providers for Oil and Gas 2020 Vendor Assessment

The IDC MarketScape has named Infosys to the ‘Leaders’ category in the EMEA Digital Transformation Service Providers for the Oil and Gas Industry 2020 Vendor Assessment

IDC MarketScape evaluates digital transformation services spanning the workforce, customers, business model across upstream, midstream, and downstream segments, and business processes.

About Infosys

The IDC MarketScape recognizes that Infosys has built a solid portfolio of services and digital technologies, such as AI, IoT, AR, VR, and automation, and built a track record of providing end-to-end services across the oil and gas value chain. The report highlights Infosys’ focus on the digital journey, from personalization to data-driven insights, innovation platforms, automation, and security. It recognizes Infosys' "navigate your next" approach to focus on digital transformation needs (drilling monitoring, production optimization) and develop capabilities that support the industry's transition, such as diversification toward e-mobility and renewable energy.

IDC MarketScape: 2020 Vendor Assessment

IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. The Capabilities score measures vendor product, go-to-market and business execution in the short-term. The Strategy score measures alignment of vendor strategies with customer requirements in a 3-5-year timeframe. Vendor market share is represented by the size of the icons

Excerpts of the IDC MarketScape report

  • Infosys chose to continue strategic investment even during the global oil market downturn. The acquisition of Noah Consulting is a perfect example of this strategy, which gave the company a boost in terms of consulting capabilities and solid domain expertise.
  • Continuous investments in design studios and digital labs, the agile start-up is putting Infosys in a great position to solve its O&G clients' operational bottlenecks through design-led and persona-based digital solutions.
  • Infosys has also exerted efforts into its localization strategy (technology hubs include Dusseldorf and Bucharest), developing capabilities by bringing in local oil and gas talent.