
The Infosys Oil and Gas practice offers reservoir engineering services and solutions to three of the top five oil and gas majors, three of the top four oilfield services companies, four of the top 10 natural gas companies in USA, and to a leading natural gas producer in the UK. Predictable performance streamlines reservoir management, and accurate analysis of real-time data from multiple wells, facilitate the making of informed decisions at these oil and gas enterprises.

Our solutions for well engineering, fluid modeling, and reservoir performance monitoring, improve asset performance. Our integrated solutions enhance the acquisition system for reservoir characterization, while our fault-tolerant architecture ensures minimal downtime. We develop plug-ins for velocity modeling and formation management. Our trained professionals create Ocean plug-ins for Petrel software across seismic processing, data interpretation, well completion, and fracturing.

Our solutions rationalize the effort and cost of reservoir development and operations.


Infosys reservoir engineering footprint

Infosys reservoir engineering footprint

Challenges & Solutions

Expertise across the exploration and production data value chain – data acquisition, data modeling and interpretation, upstream data management, data visualization, drilling, reservoir monitoring, production optimization, information management, and subsurface computing.

Partnerships with oil and gas product companies such as OSIsoft, OpenSpirit and Tieto, and alliances with Microsoft (Gold Certified Partner), SAP (Global Services Partner), and Oracle (Diamond Partner).

Collaboration with industry forums such as Energistics and Professional Petroleum Data Management (PPDM) Association.