
The Infosys Oil and Gas practice offers end-to-end supply chain solutions for product distribution, retail trading, product movement, demurrage control, and traffic management. Our integrated trade and logistics systems ensure seamless data flow from the source to the destination of products. It facilitates informed decisions in road, rail, and marine transportation, while mitigating supply chain risks.

Our radio-frequency identification (RFID) and geographic information system (GIS) tracking solutions for warehouse, fleet and inventory management streamline supply chain operations. We capture real-time inventory at oil tank terminals to plan logistics including pipeline scheduling. Our product blending and pricing solutions help downstream enterprises capitalize on business opportunities.

We integrate front, middle, and back-office supply and trading systems. In addition, we address regulations for transportation of hazardous products across challenging terrains, as well as reporting, to comply with health, safety and environment norms.

We have rich experience in L2 and L3 maintenance and support services across downstream applications.


Transportation and logistics management services footprint

Transportation and logistics management services footprint

Challenges & Solutions

Pragmatic approach combined with advanced customized solutions and best practices for accurate demand-supply forecasting and planning.

A team of supply chain experts with expertise in bulk liquid logistics management and integrated supply and trading solutions.

Strategic alliances with leading supply chain product companies such as IBM, Oracle, SAP, and Sterling Commerce.