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Petrotechnical Support and Integration
The Infosys Oil and Gas practice understands the complexities of your application portfolio. We integrate, maintain, and support petrotechnical solutions, and offer post-production application support. We partner with global oil and gas companies to streamline operations across assets, boost productivity, and reduce the cost of petrotechnical applications by 20 – 40 percent. Our shared services model delivers compelling business value in the areas of information security, quality, service continuity, and scalability.
Petrel and plug-ins for Petrel, Techlog, Recall, EDM, OpenWells, Geoprobe, OpenWorks, Petra, Petrosys, ProMAX 2D/3D, SeisWorks 2D/3D, Hampson-Rusell Geoview suite, SKUA-GOCAD, and RokDoc
Avocet, ECI(Tieto), BabelFish, OSI/PI, Honeywell, Flow-Cal, ISSOW, MEPO, OPenFlow(Ternis), Tmap, LSF, KAPPA, PVTsim, and OFM
GAP, Prosper, WellFlo, MBAL, PIPESIM, and HYSYS
SiteCom, well discovery, Compass, StressCheck, WELLPLAN, EDM, and OpenWells
MOC, Honeywell PHD, PI Server, HYSYS, alarm reporting, EnviroSys, HA Works, alarm management, PI ACE, and SCADA
Geographic Information System(GIS), Knowledge Management(KM) and records management