Infosys Energy Fireside Chat: The Future of Automation with bp
Infosys presents The Energy Fireside Chat, a discussion on trends in the energy industry. AI in automation is a prerequisite for the digital transformation of global corporations.
bp has evolved continuously throughout its 110 year history, now setting an ambition to be net zero by 2050 or sooner. This will see a very different kind of energy company by 2030, scaling up investment in low carbon, focused oil and gas production, and making headway on reducing emissions.
In building its capabilities and learning from other industries, bp’s global business services and IT embarked on an automation journey in 2018 to simplify, standardize and harmonize processes. A new Automation CoE has proved to be very successful, of which only a few organizations have been able to stand up. In this discussion bp talks about how the Automation CoE has delivered value and evolved with the changing technology landscape.
In this discussion, Davesh Sharma, Senior Principal Portfolio Leader, bp, shares the company’s automation journey with Joseph Alenchery, Vice President, Infosys. He discusses how bp’s Automation CoE has delivered value and kept pace with shifts in the technology landscape.