Taking ‘People-First’ approach important for success of Omni-channel retail – a HFS Research point of view
Consumers’ increasing expectation for seamless shopping, whether in-store or online, is challenging retailers to transform their operational models to support a true Omni channel experience.
In order to stay competitive, retailers must work toward bridging experience across digital and physical touchpoints throughout the consumer journey to help consumers better connect with products and improve brand loyalty. In this POV, Melissa O’Brien, Research Vice President, HFS Research, examines how one sportswear manufacturer and retailer transformed its operations across people, process, and technology by adopting a ‘people-first’ approach for creating an engaging consumer experience, which resulted in record performance statistics, including stock price and market capitalization.
Register to learn some valuable lessons on how to drive holistic transformation within your enterprises and with partners by adopting a people-first approach.