DWS in Spotlight - Reimagining End Point Modernization Journey for a Global Manufacturer – Episode 1

DWS in Spotlight goes virtual! This episode dives into the ever-changing workplace landscape and how organizations can adapt to deliver better experiences and business outcomes. We explore the importance of balancing experience with cost optimization and achieving human-centric digital transformations.

Key Highlights of the episode

  • Balancing experience and cost: Leaders discuss the importance of prioritizing user experience while keeping cost optimization in mind.
  • Mapping technology trends to business needs: Aligning technology adoption with business needs to achieve desired ROI is crucial.
  • Focus on employee journeys: Creating human-centric digital transformations that prioritize employee experience.
  • Automation for efficiency: Implementing automation to streamline processes and reduce end-user incidents.
  • Partnership for success: Working collaboratively with clients to navigate the evolving technological landscape.
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DWS in Spotlight - Reimagining End Point Modernization Journey for a Global Manufacturer – Episode 2

This episode of DWS in Spotlight showcases Infosys' expertise in helping a global organization with over 100,000+ users navigate a complex digital workplace transformation.

Key Highlights of the episode

  • Streamline device management: Move from legacy systems to the cloud for faster OS updates and efficient device management.
  • Automate for success: Leverage automation to streamline application lifecycles and free up IT resources.
  • Deliver a seamless experience: Standardize device imaging and implement proactive measures to address user issues before they arise.
  • Measure what matters: Gain valuable insights into employee experience through non-intrusive data collection methods.
  • Embrace the future of work: Explore cutting-edge trends like AI-powered autonomous command centers and device-as-a-service models.
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