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Workforce Productivity
Professional services organizations need to navigate shifts in business and technology to become more responsive to current and emerging needs of clients. Enterprises need to adopt a digital strategy to automate processes, boost productivity, facilitate continuous learning, and enhance collaboration.
Our Virtual Personal Assistants are voice-enabled chatbots that convert intent into action. Robotic bots powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) undertake routine and administrative tasks such as booking a business trip, responding to queries from travel agents, booking a hotel based on the itinerary and preferences, and sharing travel information on a mobile app. Our team customizes solutions by combining robotic process automation (RPA), intelligent process automation, microservices and APIs to deliver outcomes based on the nature and complexity of operations.
Infosys Wingspan, our cloud- and mobile-first learning solution, leverages open source to accelerate talent transformation. It offers professionals a customized learning experience on any device with curated content. Our solution capitalizes on machine learning to provide learning recommendations, while the AI-powered voice-enabled ‘learning assistant’ provides guidance during training. It allows professionals to assess their competencies and gain certifications. Wingspan enables interaction with peers and facilitates collaborative learning.
Infosys Smart Workplaces automate physical-human interactions by transforming the physical workspace of professionals. We use design thinking to develop a customized digital strategy and use transformation blueprints to drive execution.
Infosys partners with professional services organizations to implement next-generation cloud-based collaboration on platforms such as Microsoft Office 365 and Google Suite.