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Indirect Tax Compliance
Corporations based and / or operating in the European Union (EU) region navigate a dynamic indirect tax regulatory landscape. Businesses incur significant overheads managing tax processes related to transactional data, reporting, and tax compliance.
The Infosys Tax Center of Excellence (CoE) based in Lodz, Poland partners with professional services organizations to manage end-to-end indirect tax processes. Our suite of tax compliance services spans Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST), and sales tax coding, Intrastat reporting, indirect tax accounting, and transaction services using robotic process automation (RPA). Our team of certified tax professionals has more than 10 years of experience in tax processes across 30+ jurisdictions.
Our proprietary VAT reporting tool provides quality control checks and dashboards to glean insights into VAT trends. We have developed solutions to comply with EU reporting requirements such as Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) for real-time reporting.
Infosys provides customized training on controls for correctness of reporting / coding and postings (VAT Information Exchange System (VIES), SAF-T / EC Sales List (ECSL), VAT applicability, master data controls on system of records such as ERP systems). Our program has trained more than 8,000 professionals and delivered more than 5,000 hours of training in 700+ sessions.