Experience design

Trend 1: From single user to collaborative models and design platforms models and platforms

As the experience shifts from the web to mobile, voice, and other forms, there is a need to integrate different strands of expertise from design, tech, and business. Today's applications demand closer collaboration between stakeholders across businesses, technologies, designs, and end users. Feedback and reviews trigger iterations on the design, which flow back into the design as part of its lifecycle. With better collaboration and reduced feedback loops, today's design tools have shifted from designer-centric to user-centric. Tools like Adobe XD, InVision, Sketch, Figma, and Axure feature team-centric sharing models for designs and prototypes, as well as a single-workspace collaborative model to provide feedback.

Another factor that brings in increased collaboration is the rise of experience as code. Here we see rule-based and AI services that automate the design-to-code flow for developers to use directly. These platforms enable designers, businesses, tech, and users collaborate impeccably. Leading examples are Sketch2Code, which creates wireframes from hand drawings; Flow. AI, which automates the generation of chatbots from design experience; Screenshot to code, which builds websites from design mock-ups; and Google AutoDraw, which recommends vectors faster from basic hand-drawn shapes.

Infosys has transformed the trucker experience with a mobile app for a US-based multinational transportation and contract logistics company that operates in 30 countries and manages supply chains for 50,000 customers.

Experience design

Trend 2: AI and ML drive hyperpersonalization

LCNC platforms help create integrated, omnichannel experiences across voice, mobile, and web. These platforms automatically create UI with end-to-end API and data integrations. We can now generate screens based on images leveraging AI.

Further, design systems enable teams to manage every detail of the UI, equipping them with specifications that ensure usability and consistency. Streamlined workflows and Agile methodologies within the team reduce time to market. Resultantly, projects are completed on time and within budget.

Earlier, design discussions took longer since there was an element of visualization left to the stakeholders' imagination. How would it move, sound, and look in different environments? Today, designers can build in high fidelity with rich media and real behavior to improve sign-off and development time.

Infosys' employee platform creates a compelling workplace and a learning environment. It is an employee-centric platform with a positive impact on productivity, engagement, efficiency, and innovation. Over 350,000 Infosys' employees actively use this platform.


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