API, Microservices

Enterprises progressively shift to cloud and hybrid ecosystems to accelerate their digital journey. API-led transformation helps expand businesses, modernize core functions, and enhance customer experience.

Hyperscaler ecosystem, connected marketplaces, and platform economy

Adapting to market dynamics across the three horizons
Show all horizons
Practices, Frameworks, Governance



Intelligent and Sentient-driven

Key Patterns

  • Reactive streams
  • Distributed application runtime
  • Beyond REST
  • AI-assisted dev
  • Micro-gateways
  • Mesh architecture
  • DevSecOps
  • GraphQL
  • Edge APIs


  • Protocol agnostic and open specifications
  • Light-weight orchestration
  • Multi-channel and personalized experience
  • Business capabilities packaged as single unit
  • Reactive and resilient
  • Driven by industry standards



Innovate, Transform, Reimagine Business

Key Patterns

  • μServices
  • Low-code, no-code
  • Opensource
  • Container
  • Serverless
  • DevOps
  • Lightweight frameworks
  • APIs as a product


  • Opinionated and driven by enterprise standards
  • 12-factor app principles
  • Automation
  • Agile practices
  • Hybrid deployments
  • Platform as a service



Better Connectivity

Key Patterns

  • Monolithic
  • On-premise
  • Licensed products
  • Manual packaging


  • Tightly coupled architecture
  • Waterfall SDLC model

Key trends across API subdomains

Architecture and design

Trend 1

Adoption of CNCF standards increases

The microservices architecture helped achieve on-demand elasticity and scalability of APIs for both on-premises and public hyperscaler infrastructure. APIs and microservices had to deploy hybrid infrastructure in addition to serverless infrastructure to support evolving requirements.

Trend 2

New application layer protocols replace HTTP REST for greater efficiency

Hyperscaler adoption has enhanced focus on security, performance, lightweight containers, and availability. The APIs and microservices should support the hybrid user interface/user experience ecosystem in addition to serverless solutions. This has brought a new requirement to look beyond TCP/IP, HTTP protocols.

Languages and ecosystems

Trend 3

Go and Kotlin become the primary choice for lightweight microservices

Go offers high runtime efficiency with strong memory safety, garbage collection, and structural typing. It is already a top choice for system design and is widely used for microservices. Infosys uses Go for projects with critical memory footprint.

Trend 4

.NET 5 improves developer experience and unifies runtime behavior on multiple platforms

The release of .NET unified ASP.NET, .NET Core, Entity Framework Core, WinForms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Xamarin, and ML.NET and provide a single platform to build cross-platform applications.

Frameworks and stacks

Trend 5

Focus shifts from languages and frameworks to stacks

With the evolving microservices landscape, more frameworks, messaging systems, transport layers, data serialization formats, APIs, etc., will emerge. Since these components constitute a whole stack of offerings, developers are less likely to choose individual languages and frameworks for their application development.

Trend 6

Polyglot frameworks gain prominence

Modern Java frameworks that offer fast throughput and nominal startup time (e.g., Quarkus, Micronaut, and Helidon) have become instrumental in robust microservice and serverless application builds. These frameworks support Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda, and Azure Functions, as well as non-blocking reactive styles of programming and declarative types.


Trend 7

Browser-based IDE and cloud workspaces proliferate

In-browser IDEs help with mobility, portability, and better team-level collaboration. Efforts are underway to eliminate any system constraints. IDEs also possess AI-assisted intelliSense features that utilize the developer's current context and patterns based on thousands of highly rated open-source projects on GitHub. Thanks to increased cloud adoption, the browser-based IDEs such as Codespaces and Codenvy have gained traction.

Trend 8

Cloud engineering using DevSecOps becomes a norm

Agile methodology and microservices have triggered frequent builds and deployment. As a result, opensource components in the software and image containers deployed in Kubernetes clusters remain vulnerable. However, tools such as NeuVector make the “shift left” security to the build phase possible, and the scans occur at a faster pace.

API platforms

Trend 9

Complete API-driven infrastructure proves efficient in handling multiple cloud platforms

In today's dynamic environment, API-driven infrastructure provides the ability to set up infrastructure in the cloud or on-premises with the use of programming languages and libraries. The adoption of Terraform and Ansible in the industry has fueled more APIs in the infrastructure as code.

Trend 10

Enterprises increasingly adopt API marketplace solutions

The API marketplace platform solutions enable enterprises to integrate a single governance framework for multi-API gateways, and accelerate development with prebuild standard and domain APIs to expedite digital transformation.

Trend 11

LCNC platforms accelerate API adoption

LCNC platforms help integrate and automate workflows with little or no programming knowledge. These platforms support a wide range of out-of-box integration capabilities and connectors that can be built and deployed through drag-drop code features and configurations. These platforms enable customers to accelerate their API and microservices journey, either on-cloud or on-premises.

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Krishna Kanth B. N.

Krishna Kanth B. N.

Senior Technology Architect

Krishnakumar V

Krishnakumar V


Vijay Kannan

Vijay Kannan

Principal Technology Architect

Vinod Sivashankaran

Vinod Sivashankaran

Principal Technology Architect


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