
Users want intelligent, immersive, and meaningful experiences. Organizations should fulfill the latest asks for hyperpersonalization and touchless interactions. That too with security and transparency. Experience design can help deliver such effectual experiences by combining physical, digital, social, and environmental elements. Developments across artificial intelligence (AI), edge computing, and extended reality (XR) have much to offer.

The road to natural, progressive and adaptive interfaces

Entering H3: hyperpersonalized, immersive, and ambient
Show all horizons
User-driven, responsive, natural


Progressive, natural interface, adaptive hyperpersonalized, immersive, and ambient

Key Patterns

  • System thinking
  • Sustainable
  • Natural experiences
  • Progressive
  • Lean UX
  • In-place collaboration


  • Immersive
  • Natural UI
  • Gesture-based controls
  • Spatial UI
  • Voice assistants
  • 3D models
  • Animation


Intuitive, responsive, and rich persona-based human-centric experience

Key Patterns

  • Agile UX
  • Responsive
  • Rich UI
  • Personalized
  • User generated
  • Server-side framework
  • Hybrid apps
  • Community and social recommendation
  • Experience platform driven


  • Analytics
  • User experience
  • Responsive
  • Multi-model
  • Touch UI
  • Templatized platform driven
  • Digital twins


Data entry and basic UX

Key Patterns

  • Waterfall UX
  • GUI
  • Native mobile


  • Data entry
  • Information gathering
  • Windows, icons, menus, pointer

Key trends across experience subdomains

User experience design

Trend 1

Designers become more integral and versatile to enhance UX

As next-generation technologies integrate more with services, processes, and experiences, the role of designers becomes integral and versatile. Designers reinvent the business value of design by enhancing physical, digital, and social usage, while ensuring environmental sustainability

Macro design

Trend 2

Safe and secure designs become prominent to win customer trust

Digital data drives businesses, but the major differentiator is the safety and security of that data. Now, organizations are focusing on collecting only essential data and avoiding the risk exposure of securing and storing large data pools.Beyond data provenance, governance, and compliance, products must win over consumers by demonstrating how exactly consumers' data is being used.

Trend 3

Contactless experiences gain consideration across industries

Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) interactions are increasingly becoming contactless — meetings, transactions, purchases, credit cards, consultations, curbside pickup, etc. The reason is convenience and heightened awareness of health and safety. Technologies such as AI, 5G, and cloud platforms enhance contactless experiences.


Trend 4

Collaborative design brings cross-functional teams together

Metaverse is altering how people perceive their jobs, social interactions, ecommerce dealings, etc. To enable this transformation, collaborative design is gaining momentum globally. Large tech companies such as Adobe, Microsoft, and Figma are developing collaborative designing platforms to build metaverse assets.

Trend 5

LCNC to democratize metaverse designing

LCNC designs require minimal to no coding knowledge. They even allow end users to participate in the development process. With the participation from these citizen coders, the collective imagination and creativity pool is much wider. This helps in building robust software pipelines, democratizes tech-focused innovation, and, in turn, builds business' IP.

User interface

Trend 6

Gesture-controlled UIs find usage across businesses

The next generation of UI is about touch-free control, which enables communication through speech, gestures, and facial expressions. Touch-free controls are especially relevant in today's health-conscious world and promise a whole new level of engagement.

Trend 7

Rapid naturalization of human-machine interaction improves UX

Natural UIs represent simplified human-machine interactions. These smarter interfaces arose with the advent of social channels and progressed as social media became the primary source of engagement for both business and leisure.

Digital channels

Trend 8

Conversational channels become more immersive and personalized

A large part of the world has already experienced chatbot interactions and voice AI such as Amazon's Alexa. These communication platforms blend natural language processing (NLP) and AI to create humanlike interactions. But they respond to every user the same way and lack personalization.

Trend 9

Immersive experiences are increasingly turning humanlike

Immersive experiences are a step closer to near-humanlike interactions, as they help bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds and present a multidimensional, multimodal experience. But this technology is expensive and only now gaining a foothold in the business world.

User experience technology

Trend 10

JavaScript in the frontend technology landscape continues to dominate

JavaScript has been popular as a programming language. Its capabilities such as native support on browsers and the ability to run on many devices make it a compelling choice for developers to reach a wide audience.

Trend 11

Spatial UIs with real-time inputs enhance UX

AI, VR, and MR UXs rely on real-time inputs from the physical world to deliver outputs. These are a blend of real-world data and programmed elements that make them suitable for this phygital environment.

Trend 12

SAP's LCNC tools encourage citizen developers

SAP AG is a leader in enabling citizen developers with LCNC tools and platforms to build enterprise-grade applications. It provides streamlined UXs for any business domain.

Circularity and sustainability

Trend 13

Increased adoption of circular solutions for a better planet

Circular designs push sustainability to the forefront, becoming an intrinsic component of the design system. Instead of simply seeking LEED certification for a single building, circular designs tackle supply chain, product life cycle management, manufacturing, and even post-consumer use scenarios, maximizing the system's efficiency.

Trend 14

Metrics as a design feature help achieve circularity and sustainability

Businesses are increasingly embedding “metrics as a design” feature to measure the environmental costs of products. It looks at carbon footprint data and metrics such as waste data, water footprint data, and virtual water data to bring strategic insights and enhance sustainable manufacturing for a circular economy.

Trend 15

Product designs change as right to repair (RTR) gains momentum

RTR is transforming from a consumer ask to a regulatory requirement in several countries. It allows users, consumers, and businesses to repair their devices on their own without any legal or technical restrictions. The U.K. and a few U.S. states already allow varying RTR levels.

Engagement platforms

Trend 16

Experience- and intelligence-driven commerce provides superior customer engagement

E-commerce activity has surged in recent years to become a critical driver of platform modernization. As consumers become more selective about their purchases, brands are investing in sophisticated commerce platforms that focus on the entire customer journey to provide better experiences and derive meaningful insights.

Artificial intelligence in design

Trend 17

AI-driven, next-generation, hyperpersonalized UXs gain prominence

Content personalization in websites and mobile applications was mostly driven by rules defined in content management systems, experience management solutions, and analytics engines. These rules relied on frontend user interactions or a history of user patterns captured at the backend.

Trend 18

Enhanced content localization with AI

Large global enterprises are increasingly looking at AI-powered, real-time translators to fulfill their localization needs. Language translation technologies are enabling organizations to shift from large, distributed help desks to a centralized help desk model using AI-powered translators to respond to end users in the languages of their choice.

Security and compliance

Trend 19

Accessibility advancements help onboard new users

Accessibility tools allow people with disabilities to use devices and the web smoothly. These tools have gained much prominence and are a regulatory requirement in some parts of the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 15% of the world's population has some form of disability, indicating the necessity.

Trend 20

Privacy protection becomes critical and central to futuristic designs

Enterprises handle massive amounts of data in a highly interconnected world. The downside of having abundant data is potential breaches. Reports of data theft or data used for fraudulent purposes are on the rise, as cyberattacks become more sophisticated.

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Ask Experts

Anoop Kumar P

Anoop Kumar P


Sameer Singh Choudhary

Sameer Singh Choudhary

Principal Product Architect, Metaverse & XR CoE Lead

Guruprasad N V

Guruprasad N V


Kurt Schafer

Kurt Schafer

Senior Principal

Manoj Neelakanthan

Manoj Neelakanthan

Design Partner

Venugopal Subbarao

Venugopal Subbarao



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