
Trend 7: Browser-based IDE and cloud workspaces proliferate

In-browser IDEs help with mobility, portability, and better team-level collaboration. Efforts are underway to eliminate any system constraints. IDEs also possess AI-assisted intelliSense features that utilize the developer's current context and patterns based on thousands of highly rated open-source projects on GitHub. Thanks to increased cloud adoption, the browser-based IDEs such as Codespaces and Codenvy have gained traction.

Infosys is currently piloting cloud workspaces and in-browser IDEs with advanced in-built AI capabilities that enable rapid application development and enhance team productivity and collaboration.


Trend 8: Cloud engineering using DevSecOps becomes a norm

Agile methodology and microservices have triggered frequent builds and deployment. As a result, opensource components in the software and image containers deployed in Kubernetes clusters remain vulnerable. However, tools such as NeuVector make the “shift left” security to the build phase possible, and the scans occur at a faster pace.

The waterfall model and monoliths in the past did not require intensified security. But, as more companies switch to the cloud, security will move to the front of the line in the build phase. Moreover, companies will need to research the best tools available to analyze open-source software vulnerabilities and scan images deployed to Kubernetes.

A global company, in partnership with Infosys, implemented greenfield DevSecOps and onboarded over 120 applications across Java, .NET, and JS applications. As part of the project, they automated the build and deployment to production setup using pipeline-as-code with automated websecurity and vulnerability testing.


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