My whole life has been an eventful journey till date. I live in a joint family of 30 members together in Prayagraj (UP). My answer to the most asked question from a person since childhood till last years of his life- "What you want to become when you grow-up?" always was "I want to serve my nation." This passion made me experience all and everything that I could while growing up. Let me take you to the tour of my not so ordinary ride till date. Lets GO !!

My whole life has been an eventful journey till date.

1. Sporting life (2010-2020)- The passion of winning for my country started from winning for my school from class 7th. I participated and won many laurels for my school, and later represented U.P. at State-Level in Athletics and many team-games but Triple-Jump was my event and this continued till I graduated from my college. So, the flow was like- School>District-level>State-level>College>Zonal-level>State-level>.......This could have been continued in Infosys too, only if Covid-19 wasn't a familiar term to humans and WFH wasn't in the options.

Sporting life

2. Nationalism==Joining Indian Armed Forces: The ultimate aim of serving my nation by the work I'd chose to do entire my life made me think that there can't be any better way than Joining Indian Armed Forces. This journey started in class 12th and ended in 2022 when my age crosses the age constraints. Either the written exams were hard sometime or SSB became tough to get through. But this part of my life benefitted me the most, from being disciplined, fit (mentally and physically both), dedicated and hard working to never giving up and made me fall in love with my nation in the most beautiful way. #patriotism

Nationalism==Joining Indian Armed Forces

3. Hobbies- Ramping up one's personality: I was that multitalented child who'd be omnipresent in sports, debates, dancing, singing, painting, Olympiads and what not. This made me represent my school and college at state-level in cultural events and won gold medal there too. #Banggg !!

I never enjoyed reading books/novels and hence decided to give it a shot in covid time and ended up reading 2 books every week. I now own a small library with 90+ books/novels.

Nationalism==Joining Indian Armed Forces Nationalism==Joining Indian Armed Forces

4. Calm>>Kaam: Being a sportsperson helps you maintain your fitness and physical/mental health. But like others I too gained weight during covid hence decided to continue with Yoga if can't play or train with people. This again lead a way to excel and made me volunteer 40+ people daily in AM routine which ultimately made me happier and healthier than never before. #consistency


5. Professional life - AN INFOSCION: A small town girl from science stream who did exceptionally good in sporting, wanted to join Indian Army, graduated as an Electrical Engineer, joined an IT company as a Systems Engineer in 2021, ended up in PMO, working closely with higher delegates and REC team. I will never forget the day I got appreciation from VP-DH for my commitment towards work. I can conclude as per of my experience that the life is full of colorful surprises and it is totally unpredictable. #generous

Thankyou for reading my life-story people. Even after completing 1st quarter of my life, I am still not sure what destiny has planned for me in future. But I promise, I am going to be strong, very hard working, confident and never giving up in life because "I am a WOMAN. I bend, I don't break !".. #Blessed #Greatful