A leading wireless service provider in USA was undergoing a business transformation program for its B2B platform from legacy SOA to Microservices. They needed a solution that would help to expedite production deployment, reduce time to market and provide a high-availability environment for external partners to integrate with their B2B platform.


Key Challenges

Rapid agile development and testing with a very short window to perform extensive regression testing


No seamless environment for partner to integrate with B2B platform


Lack of adequate test data due to unavailability of backend systems

The Impact


Sanity test coverage in the virtual environment and 100% CI/CD Integration.


Over $250K saved annually through Automation and Virtualization.


The Solution

Extreme Automation of Microservices Testing and Service Virtualization of API Layer

Automated 4000+ test cases overall and covered 2000+ test cases in regression scenarios which led to 70% faster turnaround time in Progressive Testing.

Looking for a breakthrough solution?

Automated 4000+ test cases overall and covered 2000+ test cases in regression scenarios which led to 70% faster turnaround time in Progressive Testing.

An end-to-end automation suite was built comprising web test automation suite including e2e validation check-points, Microservices / APIs test automation across testing lifecycle from sprint to enterprise releases.

Service virtualization and an augmented test data provisioning model were implemented to achieve a seamless and high availability test environment with faster test data provisioning cycle time.

Automated 4000+ test cases overall and covered 2000+ test cases in regression scenarios which led to 70% faster turnaround time in Progressive Testing.

  • Extreme Automation of Microservices Testing
    • Infosys accelerator (auto generation of test cases parsing Swagger /cURL)
    • MySQL DB serving as local QA instance with key tables replicating data from backend systems
    • Bulk Data insert into MySQL Database with Java Utility
    • Rally integration with CA LISA for update of test cases post execution
  • Continuous Testing of Virtual Assets and Auto Sanity on Corporate Jenkins
  • Service Virtualization of entire API layer and dependent backend calls leveraging CA Dev test
  • On Demand Performance Testing of UCC Application by virtualization of all API calls

Infosys IP used for extreme automation

A game changer for the B2B program, from a QA perspective, was the use of Infosys API Test Lifecycle Accelerator integrated with CA Dev test for extreme automation of microservices.

 An Insight Into Microservices Testing Strategies


An Insight Into Microservices Testing Strategies

This whitepaper effectively outlines the issues and asphalts strategies for testing of applications

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