A leading bank in Bahrain wanted to automate their telecom vendors’ invoice processing and provide a monthly statement.
Huge effort of extracting data from 1000+ mobile invoices
Inaccuracies in monthly reports and statements due to manual processing
Increased time and effort required for invoice processing due to lack of error handling mechanism
hours of effort savings for each telecom vendor’s invoice processing
100% accuracy in reports and almost 40 hours of effort savings in statement verification
80% improvement in process productivity with unattended bots
Looking for a breakthrough solution?
TALK TO OUR EXPERTSUnattended regression suite automation improved the turnaround time by 60%
Infosys deployed EdgeVerve's AssistEdge bots to automate the entire invoice processing of multiple vendors within the organization. These unattended bots automated the processes of three technical systems in the business area.
To know more on how Infosys Quality Engineering and EdgeVerve are partnering for Automation in Testing, click here.