Our client wanted to switch from the existing disparate environment to a more coherent unified experience and Improve overall usability and reduce technical complexity. They also aimed to realize the gains by lowering the spending on infrastructure, CALS and Consulting and Software upgrades.

To achieve the coherent unified experience and the cost benefit, client had to move its IT environment from O365 Dedicated to O365 Multi-Tenant. This cascaded into many other needs such as redevelop SharePoint custom apps and implement Organization Change Management

Key Challenges

  • 365 has too many features–How to choose the right one?
  • How to warrant cost-effectiveness?
  • Restricted administrative controls

Ready to experience?


The Solution

Enable the hassle-free Workload Migration and Implement Organization Change Management

Migration Landscape involved in the engagement is as follows

  • 2TB of Content Data for a user base of 70,000+.
  • Another track involved was EXOO365D to O365MT involving 40,289 Mailboxes,2522 Shared mailboxes, 2614 Rooms and Resources for varied regions with rich-coexistence.

What we did?

  • Migrated existing SharePoint 2013, Exchange accounts from BPOSD & On Premise to O365 Multi-tenant environment
  • Strategic Wave Planning to accommodate various business parameters for SharePoint and Exchange migrations
  • Redesign entire platform foundation to be compliant with SharePoint Online - Site Provisioning, Branding, Privacy, External Security, Compliance Templates, Content and Site Retention
  • Deployed governance templates to manage regulated and secured content – Preconfigured Rights Management Policies, Information Management Policies, Audit Policies, Versioning, Content Types and Metadata
  • Pre-Migration and Post Migration activities for 8 TB of SharePoint Content and 45,000+ Exchange Accounts
  • Hypercare Support for the SharePoint Migration Track
  • Migration of content outside of standard Fast Track/Microsoft services – Large Lists, All Versions and miscellaneous unique configurations
  • Organization Change Management: Communication management, migration progress update to stake holders, leadership sessions on SharePoint Online

Achieve business focused and continuously improving service

  • Automated Site Provisioning and Predefined templates resulting in cost savings of 300K per year
  • Reusable solutions for assessment, communications and post remediation
  • Platform foundation applications for improved governance and sustainability
  • Change Management processes integrated with the technology rollout


Hassle-free Workload Migration

Over 8 TB of SharePoint data migrated

Over 8 TB of SharePoint data migrated

~45,000 exchange user base successfully migrated

~45,000 exchange user base successfully migrated

$8M saved through technology consolidation over 3 years

$8M saved through technology consolidation over 3 years