Teknowlogy Group (PAC) & Infosys whitepaper: OT/ICS Security: Project and Managed Services are key success factors

Operational Technology (OT) security is paramount for industries which are reliant on critical infrastructure. As digital transformation accelerates the convergence of IT and OT systems, organizations face unprecedented cyber threats. The consequences of an OT breach can be catastrophic, including production halts, financial losses, physical damage, and safety risks. A robust OT security strategy, seamlessly integrated with IT security is essential.

“’Security First’ is on everyone's lips in IT. It would be real progress in the OT environment if ‘Security Last’ was not standard.”

Wolfgang Schwab, Head of Cyber Security, PAC

This whitepaper examines OT security implementation challenges, necessary approaches for success, highlights the services OT security providers should offer, and why partnering with a provider can be beneficial for managing projects and services.

Infosys and PAC highlight the need for integrated IT and OT Security, emphasizing that OT foundations like network segmentation and Zero Trust are essential. Many companies overlook these in their digitalization efforts, requiring external service providers to effectively implement and managed OT Security.

Read this Whitepaper to know more

About teknowlogy Group

Teknowlogy Group is the partner of choice for European focused IT market data, insights and advice. It brings together the expertise of two research and advisory firms, each with a strong history and local presence in the fragmented markets of Europe: CXP and PAC (Pierre Audoin Consultants). The company is the preferred partner for European user companies to define IT strategy, govern teams and projects, and de-risk technology choices that drive successful business transformation. The team has a second-to-none understanding of market trends and IT users’ expectations. The team helps software vendors and IT services companies better shape, execute and promote their own strategy in coherence with market needs and in anticipation of tomorrow’s expectations.

Capitalizing on more than 40 years of experience, the Teknowlogy Group is active worldwide with a network of 50 experts.

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