Infosys recognized as a ‘Major Player’ in the IDC MarketScape. – US Emerging Managed Security Services 2016
Infosys is the only global system integrator to be named a ‘Major Player’ in the IDC MarketScape.” – US Emerging Managed Security Services 2016 Vendor Assessment
Using the IDC MarketScape model, IDC studied 10 organizations in the first quarter of 2016 that offer managed security services (MSS) in the United States, although several of the study participants deliver services worldwide. Through in-depth managed security services providers' interviews and more than 25 interviews with providers' customers, IDC learned that the providers offer traditional (basic) MSS and advanced MSS capabilities in varying degrees.
For this analysis, IDC divided potential key measures for success into two primary categories: capabilities and strategies. Positioning on the y-axis reflects the vendor's current capabilities and a menu of services and how well aligned the vendor is to customer needs. Positioning on the x-axis indicates how well the vendor's future strategy aligns with what customers will require in three to five years. The strategies category focuses on high-level decisions and underlying assumptions about offerings, customer segments, and business and go-to-market plans for the next three to five years. The size of the vendor markers in the IDC MarketScape represents the market share of each individual vendor within the specific market segment being assessed.