隐私声明 | 在中国处理个人信息

Processing of Personal Information in China

For the purpose of processing your Personal Information in China, we will follow the Data Privacy Principles and regulations of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, 2021 (commonly known as 'PIPL’). Please note that the following provisions will apply to you, if you are a Data Subject (resident or citizen) in China, in addition to Infosys Global Privacy Statement.

Cross Border transfer of Personal Information:

In general, Infosys Limited, domiciled in Bangalore, is the data controller processing your Personal Information. As per the obligation called out under the PIPL law, we will not provide your personal information stored in China, to any foreign public authorities without getting the prior permission of the Competent Chinese authority.

For transfers to Infosys group companies and service providers outside China if it is required for business or any other purpose, we will inform you of the relevant contact information of the data recipient outside China, the purpose and method of processing, the types of personal information involved, and the methods and procedures by which you can exercise your rights against the data recipient under the PIPL.

Please note that as per the obligation called out under PIPL, we will be conducting a Personal Information Protection Impact Assessment prior to making any such data transfers, in order to assess the impact on personal rights, and security risks of the transfer; and to ensure that the protection measures adopted are legal, effective, and compatible with the degree of risk. We ensure that we take all necessary steps for protection of your personal information in accordance with the obligations called out under the PIPL law.

Your Data Subject Rights in China

As a Data Subject located in China, you are entitled to the following rights:

  • The right to access the personal information that we collect about you.
  • The right to be informed prior to the handling of your personal information.
  • The right to have your personal data to be accurate, complete, up-to date and relevant to the purpose for which it is collected.
  • The right to request explanation on automated decision making and the right to refuse such handling.
  • The right to restrict and refuse the handling of personal information unless otherwise stated in the law.
  • The right to receive send or transfer your personal information to any other organization.
  • The right to request deletion of any of your personal information as per the circumstances provided in law. However, if the statutory period has not expired or it is technically impractical to delete the personal information, data handlers should stop processing the personal information except for taking necessary security measures and storage of information.
  • The right to file a lawsuit with a People’s court according to the law if your request to personal information handling is rejected.
  • The right to access, copy, rectify and delete the personal information of the deceased could be exercised by close relatives for lawful and legitimate interests except where the deceased has arranged otherwise before their death.

If you are a resident of the Republic of China and you wish to exercise your data subject rights as called out above, please refer to section on exercising ‘Your Rights’ in the Infosys Global Privacy Statement.