
Infosys Recognized as a Winner and Finalist in the 2023 Microsoft US Partner of the Year Awards

Infosys has been adjudged winner of the 2023 Microsoft US Partner of the Year Award in the Dynamics 365 Services category. In addition, Infosys has also been recognized as a finalist in four other categories in the US and one category at a global level:

  • US
    • Business Transformation - Global SI
    • Dynamics 365 Sales & Marketing
    • Low Code Application Development
    • Employee Experience
  • Global
    • Dynamics 365 Sales & Marketing

These recognitions are testament to Infosys’ expanding presence in Microsoft Business Applications and Modern Work areas.

Infosys has also been featured in Microsoft’s ‘Inner Circle’ for Business Applications for the third consecutive year. Microsoft’s ‘Inner Circle’ is a group of select partners in the Microsoft Business Applications global network.

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards are a part of Microsoft’s mission to acknowledge outstanding achievements and innovations from more than 4,200 nominations across its strong global and diverse partner ecosystem. Infosys was distinguished for its ability to drive synergies with an integrated proposition for employees, customers and business operations powered by Infosys Cobalt suite of solutions.

The recognition highlighted Infosys’ key solutions such as Modern CX for Banking for personalized banking experience, Modern CX for Utilities for optimized utility field operations and elevated customer experience, Council in a Box for citizen centric digital council transformation, EcoWatch platform for enterprise sustainability tracking, Power Platform offerings for App Modernization and Automation, Infosys Powerhouse for citizen development, governance and management of low code business applications.

The award acknowledges Infosys over 25 years collaboration with Microsoft and consistent efforts towards scaling talent, market footprint, solutioning and innovation, and go-to-market strategies, all of which have led to outstanding growth in adoption of Microsoft technologies across cloud, enterprise applications, and data and AI, delivering success for clients across industries.

To learn more about the awards, please visit:

2023 Microsoft US Partner of the Year Award:

2023 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards: