
Infosys and E.ON Empower Green Innovation for Utilities

As the world moves towards sustainable practices and resources to power the future, energy companies need to embrace new paradigms, technologies, and innovations. To empower this push, Infosys co-hosted the WHU Business Innovation Challenge with E.ON, where students pitched inventive ideas and progressive business models that could help energy and utilities companies leap to a cleaner, greener future.

The event, hosted by Dries Faems, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of WHU's Entrepreneurship Center, saw students coming up with disruptive ideas ranging from smart energy management to carbon tracking and prosumer monetization.

This challenge aims to foster collaboration, creativity, and entrepreneurial thinking by encouraging students to work together to develop innovative solutions that could positively change the future of energy.

Infosys also offers a customized “Digital Transformation” course for students to develop business models using insights from senior executives and industry experts, who will help students refine their ideas through brainstorming sessions.

Infosys and E.ON Empower Green Innovation for Utilities