Workforce Scheduling in Field Services
Asset intensive organizations such as water, gas, and electric utilities rely heavily on field staff to keep the operations going. They need to maintain numerous assets – from their own production and network assets to public and private assets on the customer’s premises.
Utilities today need a single enterprise-wide fieldwork solution that supports a mixture of field activities and ensures economical allocation of task to crews, with optimal street-level routing.
Workforce scheduling helps increase productivity, quality of service, and customer and employee satisfaction. It helps streamline back-office operation, reduce planning time and release office staff to monitor other valuable activities. It also helps minimize cost by creating optimized schedule based on rule-based scheduling to produce efficient routes by grouping service calls for field workers.
This article delves into workforce scheduling and the steps involved in this exercise; and outlines the benefits that a utilities can obtain through real-time workforce scheduling.
Published with the permission of Energy Central
Author Profile

Ashish Kumar Das
Senior Manager for Utility Practice at Infosys.
He has extensive experience in service delivery and project management for medium to large-scale projects, primarily in the domain of energy and utilities, manufacturing, and supply chain management. His core expertise lies in system integration and program management.
Ashish can be reached at