
Trend 10: AIOps gain momentum with open-source

AIOps comprise seamless monitoring, data gathering from various apps, devices (sense), intelligent correlations, insightful analytics, and zero touch automation as the primary solution pillars. It is leveraging low-code, configuration-driven, cloud-native, open-source solutions to take enterprise Ops intelligence and productivity to the next level. It is augmenting the decision makers with the right problem management insights (think), eliminating humans in the value chain where it could be automated (act). With AIOps, enterprises can devote more resources to business issues than IT issues. It is also helping move enterprises from reactive to proactive to predictive and pre-empt the disruptions and execute possible resolutions. To further enhance innovation speed, enterprises embrace Agile innovative practices, including Living Labs, Hackathons, etc. and rapidly interweaving the output with the IT processes. IT provisioning is evolving into the cloud and serverless, as a service-based appliance than the traditional hosting, making it faster, cheaper, secure, and more resilient. To support AIOps, platforms and tools are becoming more integrated and selfsufficient. All these result in lower OpenX for support and increased opportunity space due to avoidance of disruptions. As this space matures, we see it evolving into AIOps as a service through cloud subscriptions, and would integrate with newer forays like AR/VR, IoT, 5G to take Ops to the next level.

A global CPG player wanted to revamp its operations into intelligent AIOps. Infosys helped it deploy self-service through intelligent chatbots, intelligent ticket routing, and auto resolution using robotic process automation. Real-time monitoring and dashboards helped the company to get a live pulse of apps, infra, and associated disruptions. Beyond the traditional incidents-based measures of change initiative impact, the self-service system also measured net promoter efficient system.


Trend 11: Open-source DevSecOps and MLOps become mainstream

While AIOps is bringing efficiency in operations, DevSecOps is helping development teams build and deploy apps faster and make them secure. It ensures on-demand infra, near real-time vulnerability detection, app lifecycle automation, automate mundane tasks, and ensures standards compliance. This space is dominated by open-source tools and frameworks that allow low-code approach, easy customizability for power users and visibility into app tech debt. From mere developer-oriented tooling, DevSecOps is evolving into a strategic, gold standard for enterprise app dev processes. Beyond traditional apps as well as soon-to-be-mainstream containers, MLOps modules are helping embrace DevOps for ML apps. The deployment targets are moving from onpremises to hybrid cloud, even serverless as the infra matures. Due to gated activities, DevSecOps allows controlled review, check-ins, and deployments at a rapid pace, across environments and in production. There are multiple reference implementations available for an enterprise to leverage and adopt. While the current maturity of AI-driven DevSecOps is low, this is the space to watch and grow in the medium to long term.

An industry-leading semiconductor manufacturer was facing issues due to frequently changing business requirements, long deployment times, long test cycles, lack of standards, security pitfalls, and inconsistent and slow deployment processes. Infosys helped the company in digital transformation by assessing the current maturity, implementing DevOps automation, and JIT infra provisioning. It also included security testing, and continuous monitoring and reporting throughout the transformation journey. The company achieved reduced build, release cycle time, multifold increased deployment success rate, optimized infra costs, more secure app delivery, and permanently embedded compliance standards.