Financial services: Strengthening control and security

Trend 9: 5G-led remote supervision of financial devices reduces cost and time to market

Testing at-the-site devices is challenging, especially for ATMs or points of sale, as it is expensive to ship them offshore to test.

Due to the lack of bandwidth, testing also becomes monotonous and repetitive over time. The unavailability of remote testing leads to a large onsite testing team resulting in higher costs. It is also difficult to provide continuous software upgrades 24/7. The lack of elimination, automation or shift-left increases the time to market for products, services and technology.

Automation and 5G enable this. With higher speed, lower latency, and edge computing, 5G enhances the testing experience by improving connectivity and the robotic arm's level of interaction. While this is still in the nascent stage, its applicability could help test remotely and quickly:

  • Card presentation (swipe, inset of tap-to-pay) at POS
  • Non-card actions such as configuration and void
  • Touch screen and keypad entry
  • Image processing through dynamic OCR

5G-enabled remote testing helps lower operating costs and the time to market. This could potentially bring in a 30% to 60% improvement in productivity and reduce the cost of quality by over 60%. In addition, it allows for 24/7 testing of continuous infrastructure software upgrades and enables end-to-end automation.

A North American payment processor built a robotics-based test automation solution to test POS terminals, ATMs, teller machines and mobile applications. The platform for this Infosys client was integrated with clientspecific and third-party tools to automate end-to-end. This solution is applicable through 5G adoption and reduces the cost of additional connectivity infrastructure. Further, 5G provides greater flexibility to robotic arm interactions with devices and is currently in the initial stages of implementation.

Financial services: Strengthening control and security

Trend 10: 5G strengthens autonomous security

Testing is not only limited to devices - mobile applications developed for customers and employees need to be tested in ways that simulate user interactions. 5G, when combined with quantum cryptography, can help test and secure mobile banking applications and the data within. For example, to boost its mobile application's security with 5G quantum cryptography technology, South Korea's DGB Daegu Bank partnered with SK Telecom. The mobile app enables customers with a Samsung Galaxy A-Quantum handset to use the quantum random number generator (QRNG) to generate random numbers for one-time passwords during banking transactions.

When blended with spatial computing-enabled visualizations, 5G can enhance VR features. For example, Banco Santander allows customers to virtually visit its Santander work café at the bank's office using VR and edge computing technologies. VR or AR provided on 5G enhances a bank's infrastructure and better equips AI to perform realtime analytics on customer data. Banks can then offer new products and services to customers, improve the experience and provide more choices. Increased device density also allows real-time data flow allowing hyper-personalization and predict customer preferences better.

Low latency through 5G also allows insurance providers to use drones more effectively — insurers can precisely review property locations and evaluate property damages for quicker and real-time insurance processing.

An Australian financial institution sought Infosys' expertise to build a robotic arm intervention to automate application peripheral testing. Modeled on the Infosys Long Arm solution, this solution helped reduce the cost of quality by 66% per cycle with an annual savings of AUD260,000. In addition, 5G enhanced the functionality of the robotic arm through better connectivity and increased response rate.