Enterprise solutions

Trend 10: Developer democratization empowers developers

Businesses innovate and adapt in dynamic markets to meet new customer needs and develop AI-first solutions. They embrace LCNC platforms with AI, ML, and IoT, leveraging large datasets and REST APIs to accelerate smarter, safer AI-first app development. AI services from OpenAI, Microsoft, Google and others quickly reached over a 150 million users. Such services democratize AI and accelerate LCNC AI-first app development. SAP leads this trend through SAP Build Apps that place AI at the core of the UX roadmap. SAP Build Apps optimize seasoned developers' productivity with preconfigured templates, while enabling citizen developers to focus on domain rather than technology. The technology offers seamless integration, better business-IT collaboration and alignment, significant savings, and a great UX.

Other trends include experience as code (experience design) and AI-assisted development with sentience (digital experience). By democratizing developer capabilities through LCNC platforms, firms can develop products and services that are tightly woven to market dynamics and customer appetite.

Infosys helped a leading energy firm digitally transform its core plant maintenance processes, including generating notification and managing service orders. It utilized SAP Build platform to expedite development during the innovation phase. The LC approach facilitated rapid creation of SAP Build apps and significantly increased end-user engagement.

Enterprise solutions

Trend 11: Oracle Redwood design philosophy drives clarity of purpose across Oracle cloud applications

Redwood Design Philosophy revolutionizes enterprise applications, including Oracle ERP, Oracle HCM, and Oracle CX. It offers high-quality, consumer-grade experiences. Enterprise users enjoy the same experience they expect from consumer software on the tools and devices they use at work. Its key UX features include dark mode enablement, buttonless design, and minimalist, responsive, and flowing UI.

Redwood-driven Oracle SaaS applications feature a powerful search and conversational interface, which makes information retrieval and task completion as easy as having a conversation with the product. Oracle's Redwood experience incorporates state-of-the-art ML technology to offer ongoing recommendations that adapt to user and enterprise preferences, continuously improving the feedback and recommendation loop. Its reference templates provide best-in-class data visualizations that enable users to see data in new ways, discover hidden insights, and unlock newer possibilities.

Redwood Reference Application (RRA), an order management system example, demonstrates how to build Redwood applications. It showcases best practices in design, coding, usability, and UX.

For a multinational electrotechnology manufacturer serving data centers, Infosys implemented Redwood UX upgrade, enabling the sales team to perform research, generate and qualify leads, and conduct partner recruitment drives. The solution was designed for high-volume outbound calls and included functions like click to dial, Zoom info integrations, and LinkedIn integrations for B2B sales. This product provides a nimble UI, advanced search, and visualizations. It includes a chatbot-powered conversational interface that enhances sales user productivity, facilitating guided selling.