Vertical focus and industry cloud

Trend 8: Vertical and industrial cloud offerings gain prominence

According to IDC, the health care sector spent the most on industry cloud, followed by the public and finance sectors. Industry cloud consolidates industryspecific services, tools, data, and analytics, and brings AI/ML to bear for intelligent business operations. It provides end-to-end integrated solutions with all the regulatory compliance needs of the vertical.

Industry cloud enables rapid deployment of innovative industry-specific solutions at a reduced cost. For example, multiple organizations have adopted health care cloud services like Azure FHIR and GCP Healthcare API. The health cloud also provides various connectors and accelerators for data transformations like Azure IoT Connector to connect high-frequency data streams from devices by transforming telemetry into FHIR Observations.

A North American healthcare organization wanted to achieve full compliance for its patient access, provider, and pharmacy directory. The company, in partnership with Infosys, developed a solution for FHIR implementation and integration. The solution aided the organization in scaling operations quickly while adhering to stringent timelines. The FHIR-compliant data models/lakes enable the company to make data available for any future implementations of interoperability applications.

Vertical focus and industry cloud

Trend 9: Partnerships and collaborations increase for industry cloud

Industry cloud providers (such as hyperscalers) and SaaS providers (Salesforce, SAP, and ServiceNow) collaborate with business and core product vendors and system integrators for industry cloud implementations.

Organizations are also partnering to develop industrial cloud platforms that provide community-driven cloud-based marketplace solutions. For example, in collaboration with AWS and integration partner Siemens, Volkswagen has built its Digital Production Platform for the Volkswagen factories. This open platform enables partners to create their own software in the marketplace. Similarly, Microsoft partnered with BMW to build BMW's Open Manufacturing Platform.

Industry-specific traditional core product vendors and hyperscalers are collaborating to increase the business value of cloud. For example, AWS is working closely with Epic for a cost-effective deployment of Epic environments on AWS. Notably, Epic is a U.S.-based electronic medical record company handling the database of more than 250 million patients.