Changing to lead the

Nandan M. Nilekani


“At Infosys, our work across industries, value chains, and geographies, gives us keen insights into the pattern of changes impacting the fundamental wiring across a diverse set of businesses, and we believe with this understanding, we can help our clients pick up the right signals and work out what’s next.”

It is now very evident that we live in an era of continuous and rapid disruption. Yet, it is hard not to feel empathy for incumbents who are besieged every day with reports of doomsday scenarios and menacing trends that seem to challenge their very existence. It is very difficult to sift the signal from the noise, to separate the genuine disruption from the hype cycle which will disappear in the next round of news. It is also not easy to tell if the shift is in the distant horizon or is imminent and in your face. At Infosys, our work across industries, value chains, and geographies, gives us keen insights into the pattern of changes impacting the fundamental wiring across a diverse set of businesses, and we believe with this understanding, we can help our clients pick up the right signals and work out what’s next.

We are seeing like never before, that distribution is power. Digital natives are using their Direct to Consumer channels to create learning machines that let them gain an acute understanding of their consumers,and create unique, continually improving experiences for each of them. Platform companies are bringing customers more choices by moving quickly into adjacencies or by unbundling traditional value chains to reassemble new business models where the source of revenue is completely different. ‘Winner takes all’ thinking, turbocharged by limitless access to cheap capital is creating new competitors playing by different rules. Underlying it all is a tsunami of data that is unrivalled in business history for its velocity, volume and variety, further amplified by AI and Machine Learning.

Incumbents need not be fazed by this disruption. The markets have always rewarded businesses that display an understanding of these shifts and act boldly in response. We want to contribute to our clients to help them do exactly that. To be able to adapt to thrive and find new forms and mechanisms for creating value. As champions of embracing change, keen on making a difference to our clients on their transformation journey, clearly, we must prepare ourselves for this new world too.

Over the past year, we have been working relentlessly to rebuild a 200,000+ people organization to operate with the speed and agility of a startup. We are reforming root and branch, replacing legacy systems and mindsets, dissolving thick encrusted silos, energizing the believers and converting the sceptics. We are seeking to be agile in our responses to a rapidly changing external environment, and with it to increase the velocity of ideas and innovations we generate and execute. Extreme automation will free up our people to focus even more on solving client challenges, mentor their teams and invest in continuous learning. Our focus on collaboration and seamless networking, across the global organization, is to ensure that our clients have immediate access to all these ideas, so that they can leverage the best of Infosys every time they interact with us. This is enabling us to be a source of competitive differentiation for them. In fact, we first implement our ideas for ourselves, hone them at speed and scale, and only then advocate their use to our clients.

In every way, we want to be that organization that is deeply committed to the promise we’ve made to our clients – Navigate your next with Infosys. That’s why, we continuously navigate our own next with rigor and speed. To be that organization morphing itself for the rapidly changing times, so we can help our clients do the same. A Live Enterprise, committed to helping our clients build theirs.