Nandan M. Nilekani Chairman
Nandan M. Nilekani Chairman
The digital revolution excludes no one and nothing from its embrace. We are engulfed in that time in the history of humanity when advances in technology and innovation are gathering momentum at an unprecedented pace. Now, we must be poised to tackle changes unlike any we have known before.
Businesses are facing various simultaneous and disruptive challenges. Many industries like retail, media and entertainment have to contend with powerful digital disruptors. The automotive industry is facing the triple challenge of electric cars, self-driving capabilities and mobility aggregators. The utility industry must deal with an increasing proportion of energy coming from renewables, which are intermittent, and require storage and new types of grids. The FMCG industry must learn and adapt to how brands will be bought in the future. The financial services companies are facing regulations on the one hand, and massive automation on the other. Smartphones in everyone’s hands and multiple sensors in every device and every product are upending entire businesses. Machine learning and deep learning are commoditizing domain knowledge, and the ‘winner take all’ nature of datadriven businesses is both swift and forbidding.
Yet, I believe, this can be a force for positive change. With artificial intelligence, disease onset can be accurately predicted and prevented. Healthcare providers are now able to enhance and extend care delivery beyond their facilities. Machinery and production assets can be remotely monitored to predict and prevent costly or mission-critical device failures. IoT-enabled inventory optimization and supply chain risk mitigation are a ubiquitous reality. Advanced driver assistance systems have already eased the burden of building safer vehicles. For financial institutions, the reach of smartphones is enabling them to visualize their business at population scale, and data and analytics are speeding up and improving the accuracy of their fraud detection endeavors. Across sectors, the consumer’s voice is being deeply acknowledged. Enterprises are vying with each other to meet the demand for superior experience, greater productivity, increased convenience and complete transparency with new digital business models, yet building on their core strengths. In so many ways, and a great many times over, our collective ability to bring never‑before benefits to business and society, catalyzed by technology and innovation, has increased.

“We are ready to boldly promise our clients – Navigate your next with Infosys. What will unfold next is limited only by our imagination, our focus on customers, the execution of our strategy, and our shared ambition to remake our world and the way we live and work in it.”

Today, we have a deep and renewed understanding of what is happening in the market, a keen sense of how we must respond, and the action we must take to make a tangible difference. We have gone through turbulence, but the resilience of the company has shone through and we are now in a very safe and stable place. The strategy refresh we undertook in the last six months has clearly outlined the way forward for us. We have a strong executive leadership team in place to inspire and steer the company towards our goals. With Salil Parekh leading the way as our new CEO and MD, we are all set to grow the strengths that have always differentiated us – our values, our customer orientation, our brand, our commitment to learning that drives continuous improvement, and our focus on partnering with all our stakeholders in a way that is unique to us. We are ready to boldly promise our clients – Navigate your next with Infosys. After all, we’ve done this, lived this, for over three decades, and what will unfold next is limited only by our imagination, our focus on customers, the execution of our strategy, and our shared ambition to remake our world and the way we live and work in it.