Modernize the core before
you make your next move

To thrive, even to survive, enterprises must be able to rapidly transform themselves or watch a born-digital competitor woo their customers away. For most established companies, the toughest struggle is with their monolithic legacy that can’t pivot to support their aspirations. These often-siloed systems, built on older technology and surrounded mostly by archaic processes, have, over a period of time, become fairly complex and inextricably interlinked to support expansive operations. The fear of disrupting these operations, making large new investments, and tackling the need for new skills to manage the transformation make it hard for enterprises to shrug off their legacy.

But there is a way forward.
The journey to organizational modernization and enterprise agility can be phased, at one’s chosen pace, based on carefully chosen business priorities and executed through a combination of core renewals that create efficiency-led savings that can then be redirected to simultaneously building agile new systems of engagement.
We help our clients do this by bringing together a combination of strategies for legacy landscape renewal including the following:
- a) Massive simplification of core systems from monolithic and interdependent to platform-led, lightly-tied components built on open source software. For example, for an Asian bank, we are working to transform their 36-year‑old mainframe system, running on proprietary technology, to a more loosely‑coupled, extensible architecture. We are already beginning to see encouraging early outcomes like a 30% reduction in their loan processing time and improved customer experience.
- a) Carving out fire lanes of microservices and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) around the core that opens it up to customer‑focused digital transformation. We did this with significant success for a direct seller of personal care products. We helped them build a robust API management strategy and microservices architecture to support their new responsive website and an agile social selling platform with over 230 applications serving a market spread across 100 countries.
- a) Bringing cloud-readiness to the legacy landscape so that it can be migrated to the cloud. We help our clients chart out and execute a cloud strategy to not only transition their non-differentiating workloads to the cloud, but to also transform their businesses with the cloud.

Contrary to popular perception, enterprises have huge untapped potential to exploit cloud-based technologies and in most cases, this entails choosing a hybrid approach involving hosted or private cloud and public cloud options. The journey of enterprise workloads moving to the cloud is just about starting and this would be an ideal time for most enterprises to embark on their own path to the future. There are enough proven technologies and solutions to help most of these enterprises meet their needs today, and this mitigates the perceived risks of cloud transformation.
Leveraging Infosys Enterprise Cloud Ecosystem capabilities, we advise our clients on their cloud transformation strategy across infrastructure, data, applications and more, and then build and co-evolve their enterprise cloud. We don’t just deliver managed services, but also help our clients tap into new revenue streams. That’s exactly what happened with an airline manufacturer we serve. They wanted to ease the struggle their customers faced when trying to find the right documentation to maintain their aircraft. We build a secure public cloud platform to host their product manuals for anytime-anywhere access. While this saved them over a million dollars in customer servicing costs, they also shared this facility with other aircraft manufacturers offering documentation-hosting as a subscription-based service that generated significant new revenues for them in the very first year.
We also understand and leverage the role that DevOps and Agile play, integrated with open source advantage, to support our clients’ need for on-demand and automated IT on their path to modernization.
This, and every other modernization tactic we deploy, is part of a custom‑strategy we carefully chart for every individual client to build in the changeability they need to make the necessary agile shifts through changing times – continuously digitizing the core at one end and amplifying consumer experience at the other – to stay ever-relevant.
“ As enterprises like us embark on the digital journey, cloud plays a very important role. It is not just about moving workloads to cloud but about business value through agility, driving customer insights and most importantly, enhancing experience. ”