Ravi Kumar on Talent Resilience in Uncertain Times

4 May 2020

Infosys President, Ravi Kumar, explains how the future of our workplace will be tested under reliance, adaptability, virtualization and productivity. He discusses how the evolving concepts of the gig economy, embracing machines, outcome-centric approaches, workforce empathy, networked organizations, conscious capitalism and public private partnerships will redefine the world of work following the COVID-19 crisis.

Hosted by Jeff Kavanaugh, VP and Head of the Infosys Knowledge Institute.

“Human capital, in my view, is probably the single biggest reason why organizations transform well or not.” Ravi Kumar


Show Notes

  • 00:05

    You lead the global workforce for a major tech services firm, and your offerings serve over a thousand of the world's leading companies. Can you share an example of how talent is becoming a new arena for competition?

  • 01:55

    Jeff introduces Ravi and share his background.

  • 02:44

    You talk a lot about talent and of course you write a lot, and looking at that and having worked with you, how did you get started? And what's the role of talent and the people side of things early in your career?

  • 04:39

    What is it about talent itself and the future of work that excites you?

  • 08:12

    You sound optimistic and it reminds me of something you wrote recently on “productivity optimism.” So you want to go into that in a little bit of detail?

  • 09:55

    Ravi discusses the shift toward gratitude and empathy in the work force and the impact on productivity.

  • 13:02

    Ravi, it's interesting you mention stakeholder and conscious capitalism. Can you talk about what Infosys is doing, especially in light of their response to the pandemic as well as the approach, this broader ESG approach, that's embedded in the business.

  • 17:27

    And if you could comment on maybe how… informal networks actually help decisions, and culture, and people to connect and be effective.

  • 19:52

    Ravi explains his vision for the future of the workplace.

  • 20:36

    You've made comments before about “atoms going local and bits going global,” I'm just curious, did your start as a nuclear scientist at the Atomic Research Center have anything to do with your thoughts on bits and atoms?

  • 23:11

    Can you share your thoughts on the role of public entities and academia as well as private partnerships?

  • 25:18

    Who or what has been a major influence on you?

About Ravi Kumar

Ravi Kumar

Ravi Kumar is the president of Infosys, where he leads the Infosys global delivery organization across industry segments. He leads client service offerings for Infosys, is the chairman of Infosys Foundation USA and serves on the boards of large transformational initiatives for the global clients.

He actively writes blogs on technology led transformation, big data, next generation supply chain and disruptive business models and serves on several external boards.

Ravi has a master's degree in business administration from the Xavier Institute of Management.

Selected links from the episode