Komal Jain on High Tech Evolution

2 Apr 2020

Komal Jain, Vice President and High Tech Industry Lead at Infosys, discusses how anticipating and embracing change, and recruiting the right talent will allow high tech industries to continually reinvent themselves and stay relevant in today’s evolving marketplace.

Hosted by Jeff Kavanaugh, VP and Head of the Infosys Knowledge Institute.

“In the high tech world, the disruptors of yesterday are getting disrupted today.” Komal Jain


Show Notes

  • 00:06

    You work with global high tech companies evolving through disruptive change. Is there one whose story seems especially relevant?

  • 01:25

    Jeff explains Komal’s background and experience.

  • 01:51

    How did you get started in tech?

  • 02:47

    What is it about tech that excites you?

  • 02:57

    Going back to your startup days, what's the one memory you can pull from there that was most interesting or thrilling?

  • 05:37

    For these tech companies, what is the major problem they have to address?

  • 07:34

    Komal and Jeff talk about the success of tech company Avnet.

  • 08:56

    What lessons have you gotten from their senior executives on [Avnet’s] journey?

  • 10:05

    As you think about tech companies, what's unique about them? Do they actually experiment more than others?

  • 11:38

    High tech companies put out some really cool products. Are they cool internally, themselves?

  • 12:29

    How has the dependence on China influenced the growth of the tech industry?

  • 15:10

    Let's look at the product itself. Everyone is enamored with software, but there are still factories that make stuff, that make physical goods. What's the factory of the future look like for high tech?

  • 17:00

    You can never implement a big change before the thing you were trying to do is no longer relevant. How do executives deal with that in tech?

  • 18:22

    Tech firms have traditionally been business to business, or B2B. What are the most important implications as they transition to B2C models, or businesses to consumer?

  • 19:36

    We hear the phrase digitally native a lot, but what does that really mean? How are tech firms embracing it?

  • 20:30

    What is a common misconception about the high tech industry that most people don't know?

  • 21:48

    What three things can you leave executives with that they can follow to succeed in their own disruptions?

  • 22:46

    Who's been a major influence for you?

  • 23:16

    What online resources can you recommend to listeners? Any books or any insights?

  • 23:49

    How can people find you online?

About Komal Jain

Komal Jain

During his 20-plus years at Infosys, Komal has held a progressively growing combination of delivery, sales, and leadership roles, providing him a 360-degree view and perspective of the tech industry. Komal's formal training includes an MBA from the Institute of Management and a bachelor's degree in technology from the National Institute of Technology in Kurukshetra, India.

Selected links from the episode