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Knowledge Institute Podcasts
  • Jamie Metzl on Global Interdependence

    July 28, 2020
  • Jamie Metzl explains the Declaration of Interdependence, which calls for all countries and individuals to act beyond their unique interests, but for a shared interest that requires the free and open exchange of ideas and a sense of mutual responsibility toward the whole.

    Hosted by Jeff Kavanaugh, VP and Head of the Infosys Knowledge Institute.

    “The only way that I believe that we're going to solve these big common challenges is by recognizing that we all live in an interconnected world and that we have mutual responsibilities connected to our interdependence.”

    - Jamie Metzl


Show Notes

  • 00:03

    Jamie Metzl, you are the founder and OneShared.World. And in a time of unprecedented disruption, why is your Declaration of Interdependence especially relevant now?

  • 02:55

    Jeff introduces Jamie

  • 04:43

    What inspired you to pursue this path and how did you get here?

  • 08:32

    (paraphrased) As an executive who cares about the planet and cares about broader issues, what is a way to get the ball rolling with interdependence within your own sphere?

  • 14:58

    What are some concrete steps an executive can take to move towards this shared understanding and this interdependence, and yet not abandon their day to day responsibilities?

  • 19:29

    How do we generate more critical thinking and sharing of ideas in that capacity where we're digging at the problem and not so much at the people.

  • 22:36

    How about Artificial Intelligence, pulling all this data in… how is it going to help us be better critical thinkers and make better decisions? And what are some examples you're seeing of that and what are some things to guard against?

  • 25:31

    Can you share one or two [lessons from nature] that you find especially interesting about how nature adapts or solves these problems or their approach to it, and maybe new lessons for us?

  • 29:15

    You recently said on COVID-19 that this is not a 2001 moment, 9/11 , this is something much bigger. I think of this as a 1941 moment. What did you mean by this?

  • 33:52

    Jamie discusses how worthwhile goals should seem impossible

  • 35:44

    What are books or people that stand out as significant influences and maybe books that you might recommend for others?

  • 37:54

    If we could swap seats and you could be across interviewing someone, for example, like on this podcast, who would be your dream candidate?

  • 39:32

    Jamie shares details about how to connect with him and to join the conversation

About Jamie Metzl

Jamie Metzl is a technology and healthcare futurist, geopolitical expert, novelist, entrepreneur, media commentator, Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council, Singularity University faculty member, and the Founder and Chair of OneShared.World. In 2019, he was appointed to the World Health Organization expert advisory committee on human genome editing. Jamie previously served in the U.S. National Security Council, State Department, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and as a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations in Cambodia. He serves on the Advisory Council to Walmart’s Future of Retail Policy Lab and has been an election monitor in Afghanistan and the Philippines and advised the government of North Korea on the establishment of Special Economic Zones.

A founder and Co-Chair of the national security organization Partnership for a Secure America, Jamie is a board member of the International Center for Transitional Justice, the American University in Mongolia, and Parsons Dance, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Brandeis International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a former White House Fellow and Aspen Institute Crown Fellow. Jamie holds a Ph.D. from Oxford, a JD from Harvard Law School, and is a magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brown University.

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