Lucy Bennett - Baggs on Employee Wellness

13 Jul 2020

Lucy Bennett-Baggs, CEO and Founder of Just Challenge, discusses employee wellness. The discussion covers the journey and mission of Just Challenge, mental and physical health of employees, and the role of digital in today’s world.

Hosted by Anand Verma, European Head of Digital Services for Infosys and Founder & CEO of Brilliant Basics, Infosys’ Design Studios

“You can give employees all the tools in the toy box, but if you're not giving them the time and encouraging them to take the time to invest in them, then they won’t use this really. We can design all the tools and platforms, but it's so important to be led from the top.” Lucy Bennett-Baggs


Show Notes

  • 01:37

    Lucy shares her background.

  • 04:43

    Lucy shares her perspective on employee engagement and wellness, what does it actually mean?

  • 08:01

    What are some of the biggest challenges that the current situation presents? And is there an understanding of those challenges from the employer perspective?

  • 09:15

    What is the mission, vision of Just Challenge? What is Lucy aspiring to do? And what's the journey like since she started the company?

  • 11:39

    It looks like Lucy is bringing the companies, but also there is a planet and community aspect, which is key to Just Challenge business strategy, is it right?

  • 14:08

    Lucy talks about how the coronavirus has affected her business.

  • 15:32

    How does Lucy see digital playing a role when things come back to normality or whatever the normality definition is?

  • 17:50

    Lucy talks about the new platform that they launched.

  • 20:05

    Anand and Lucy talk about the partnership between Brilliant Basics and Just Challenge.

  • 22:32

    How corporates can start to think about employee wellness and engagement as a positive, rather than just a stigma?

  • 27:00

    Does Lucy see that the work she is doing kind of starts to impact the company's culture thereafter when people come back from the event back to their work, start to kind of permeate through the corporate organizations?

  • 29:36

    Lucy gives advices to CEOs regarding employee engagement and wellness.

  • 31:12

    Lucy shares her favourite book.

  • 33:28

    How can people find Lucy online?

About Lucy Bennett-Baggs

Lucy Bennett-Baggs

Lucy Bennett-Baggs is CEO and Founder of Just Challenge, an agency that works with large corporates (HSBC, Barclays, KPMG, Arsenal FC etc) to deliver events that engage employees and raise funds for charity. Lucy started Just Challenge in 2017, and their campaigns to date have primarily been through physical events (challenges) that bring people together from around the world into spectacular places, to take part in meaningful experiences that focus on their physical and mental wellbeing. Their challenges have also raised over 2million USD for charity to date.

COVID-19 has meant that Just Challenge has needed to focus on digital execution, they’ve recently launched Just Challenge Wellness, a digital platform for employees that speaks to all elements of mental and physical health, with live sessions, workshops and inspirational ambassadors - as well as raising funds for charity through virtual challenges. Lucy talks about how she’s pivoted Just Challenge through challenging times.

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