Neil Cooper on the Role of Design and Creativity

01 Jun 2020

Neil Cooper, Chief Design Officer at Brilliant Basics, discusses the role of design and creativity today. The discussion covers Neil’s personal design journey, company culture, and the importance of craft and collaboration.

Hosted by Anand Verma, European Head of Digital Services for Infosys and Founder & CEO of Brilliant Basics, Infosys’ Design Studios.

“Craft to me is art. It's seeing the strategy, it's seeing the planning and seeing every single element of a piece of work coming together. It's not just about a final product. The final product is only a sum of its parts and it's usually the craft which makes the idea happen.” Neil Cooper


Show Notes

  • 00:08

    What is it about design that excites Neil?

  • 02:58

    Neil shares his background and how he got into design.

  • 08:30

    Neil and Anand talk about purposeful brands.

  • 11:13

    Neil talks about the role of design and innovation and design and creativity.

  • 15:20

    There are very many products which are the same, but what is it which makes something different from another?

  • 17:41

    How do you balance this sense of getting out to market quickly, as well as making sure that your craft, your product, is as good or as great as the designers want those products to be?

  • 20:00

    Neil shares his thoughts on the culture before and culture in the midst of COVID-19 situation, that people are working from home, how has changed in his view?

  • 25:18

    What are some of the major obstacles that clients, companies are facing when it comes to design?

  • 29:00

    Neil gives recommendations that people should be following when they're starting a journey on a new product or service or a program of work.

  • 28:16

    How Neil uses design to shape a company like BB?

  • 31:47

    What are the three things that we can all do to help fight the climate change and be kind to the planet itself?

  • 33:50

    Neil talks about his favorite book and why it is his favorite.

  • 35:48

    How can people find Neil online?

  • Music by Ruhan Verma, 13-year-old upcoming Drummer and Producer

About Neil Cooper

Neil Cooper

Neil Cooper is Chief Design Officer at Brilliant Basics and leads the global design practice. He has over 20 years of experience and has worked with many of the world’s leading brands.

Neil’s experience covers everything from digital campaigns, branding, and service design. He has worked with global brands including British Airways, Lloyds Bank, Scania, Telenet, BP, Australian Open, Heathrow, British Gas, Aegon, Howdens, Hargreaves Lansdown and many more. He oversaw the vision and execution for Miral in Abu Dhabi where he pitched and delivered connected digital experiences for Yas Island which included theme parks for Warner Bros, Yas Waterworld and Ferrari World.

Neil has an MA in Fine Art and started his career in advertising before moving into the digital space. His background has seen him lead diverse teams across all channels and has won a number of awards along the way. He has also judged many award shows including BIMA, The Webbys and Kyoorius in Mumbai.

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