Improving Healthcare in Chandigarah
Arpan, the CSR wing of Infosys, Chandigarh is trying to improve the health of the disadvantaged through a program called Jagriti. Arpan conducts weekly awareness drives called chaupals in Shastry Nagar. The motive, to ensure that malnutrition and other health-related ailments do not hamper the education of the students in the Arpan Education program. This program has improved the overall attendance in the class room.
This initiative covers:
Another feather in Arpan’s cap was the creation of the Shakti Club (Women Club in Shastry Nagar). For the last six months, its focus has been to create awareness on menstrual hygiene and safe disposal of sanitary pads.
The Jagriti initiative was powered by over 30 volunteers.