Equip Women in Society to Handle Emergencies
The Trivandrum Diversity and Inclusion group, called SOUL team facilitated a “Basic Life Support” course to Disaster Recovery Representatives (DRR) and employees by doctors from the American Heart Association Instructors. The SOUL team and women DRRs who are trained and certified in the “Basic Life Support” course extend their voluntary support to society to help people in medical emergencies like cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, snake bite, critical wounds, etc. The two-day long workshop has hands-on training with mannequin and live demonstration aids employees to be well-equipped to help victims involved in life-threatening medical situations or injuries until they can be given full medical care at a hospital. Volunteers along with accredited instructors from SEMI (Society for Emergency Medicine India) also organized sessions in housing colonies and residents’ associations to equip people to handle emergency situations at the site of their occurrence.