Net Zero and Sustainability

Net Zero and Sustainability

Decarbonization has become an integral part of business strategies to our clients. The pursuit to reduce carbon emissions in business operations requires immense planning and technology advancements.

While the impact of carbon reduction is huge and certainly needs its own share of investments, it must make business sense as well. Infosys has realized the business imperativeness of reducing carbon intensity and has tailored many solutions that can straight away enable clients in their decarbonization journey.

What is Infosys Offering?

The world is going through energy transition, from fossil fuels renewable energy, to reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and avoid catastrophic impacts of climate change. While UN targets are there at its place, many countries, big corporate houses, industries across sectors etc have also set ambitious targets for themselves to be carbon neutral while going beyond limits to endorse sustainability in many ways.

In the growing technology space, Digitalization has become an important instrument for the energy transition and an enabler of decarbonization and decentralization. Prior to offer anything to our clients, it is important to note here that our inhouse efforts over a decade have made us declare ourselves a carbon neutral company in year 2020, 30 years ahead to our commitment to UN.

UN’s award to Infosys for its climate change and carbon neutrality effort recently, is the testimony to our meaningful efforts in this space for over a decade now. We got in depth understanding of how this concept of carbon emission tracking and management works and how we read its dynamics to help enable our clients in strategizing and realizing their net zero goals too.

Carbon capture and storage

While the spectrum of our capabilities and respective offerings ranges from sustainability, clean energy storage and carbon management across geographies and sectors, We have also entered into carbon-capture and storage . This will enable us and our customers to accelerate the decarbonization journey in many ways.

Climate change and its ramifications like rising global temperatures, deteriorating air quality and contamination of our water bodies, are among the largest crises looming over the planet in recent times. At Infosys, we recognized the gravity of this issue early on and began focusing on climate action since 2008, through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and carbon offset programs. We achieved Carbon Neutrality in fiscal 2020, 30 years ahead of the 2050 timeline set by the Paris Agreement, as a culmination of our decade long efforts in environment stewardship.


Infosys Offerings Alignment to Sustainability

Our continuing advocacy in climate action comprises creating awareness through participation in various forums related to sustainability and net zero has culminated into various products and services that we today offer to our clients that can enable their net zero journey while adding great value to their sustainability initiatives.

Strategic consulting

  • Business Intelligence and Regulatory
  • Technology Partnerships
  • Formulating Roadmaps to Net Zero
  • Mapping scope 1,2,3 emissions and propose ways to reduce emissions
  • Crafting Sustainability strategies mapping to UNSDGs
  • Data Management, Strategy/Vision, Communication & Engagement
  • Energy management advisory services

Digital Accelerators

  • Energy Management Platform (Clean energy, energy efficiency and optimization, EVs/Storage)
  • Technology Improvisations
  • Circular economy partnerships
  • Digital Platforms for controlling and Monitoring sustainability quotients
  • Carbon Management ESG and Sustainability reporting Platform
  • Advanced Analytics and Dashboarding, Reporting to Frameworks (e.g., CDP, GRI, SASB, TCFD, etc.), Strategy Mapping, Live Infographics and Microsites
  • Grid Modernization and BMS

Our sustainability philosophy is about ensuring that our business, our clients’ businesses, and our ecosystems are all sustainable. Now, we are bringing our net carbon neutral success to sustainable offerings for our clients’ businesses, throughout the market. We have proven that we understand the metrics of sustainability and global reporting criteria.

Our partnership with clients in NetZero and Sustainability space can make significant difference in the joint business operations and can prove to be path breaking in many ways

Some Global Facts

Majority of oil and gas companies have pledged to reduce carbon emissions via variety of measures. The sector’s own carbon footprint — operations plus emissions from energy consumed — is at least 2.6 billion tons annually out of the 37.1 billion tons produced by human activity.

The world emits around 50 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases each year [measured in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq)].1

To figure out how we can most effectively reduce emissions and what emissions can and can’t be eliminated with current technologies, we need to first understand where our emissions come from.Advancing toward a net zero emissions future is one of the biggest challenges — if not the biggest — facing humanity today, and the clock is ticking loudly. The oil and gas industry must take a leadership role by not only reducing its own carbon footprint but transforming the global energy systems.

Today there are innovation and investment gaps in achieving these targets, but the ingredients are either available or within reach. As in other industries, digital technologies will be the catalyst to speed up and democratize innovation.


Image source : Our World in Data