
Being Resilient. That’s Live Enterprise: The Future of Learning – Driving Employee and Organizational Resilience

The past weeks of working remotely has clearly showed us that operating without the unifying context of a shared physical workspace brings with it its own unique challenges. Remote workers, especially at first, struggle with new tools, even new policies.


Virtual QA Roundtable: Driving QA in an AI-Led World

As businesses adjust to new normal in wake of Covid-19, technology advancements and pace of adoption will be accelerated to create more resilient organizations of future.


Being Resilient. That’s Live Enterprise: Preparing for the New World of Work

The past weeks of working remotely has clearly showed us, that given the right context, productive work can be executed anytime, anywhere. Now, it’s inevitable that we’ll find ways of bringing some of the flexibility, convenience and productivity of that work rhythm to our offices too.


Being Resilient. That’s Live Enterprise: Security in the Era of Remote Working

Humanity has woken up to the realization that we can feel so defenseless in the face of calamity. This rude awakening from our collective complacency is driving a deep need in us all to protect against further perceived risks and take back some of our sense of lost control.