Towards a better next

Telco For Good

The pace and depth of changes in the telecommunications industry are unparalleled! These almost invisible connectors keep the human species closely knit in an ever-expanding world of new experiences. In keeping us connected, telcos carry the emotions associated with such experiences. They allow us to reach distant people in splits of a second. And this reach helps us make and cherish memories of a lifetime. This page is dedicated to these unsung heroes of modern communication. Here, we have curated the best of telco stories and moments that exemplify the impact of telcos.

Moments of Life

Smiles Across Miles

Relay, relate and relive the moments connected by telcos from across the globe.

Twenty-Two Word Telco Tales

Have a story to tell about how telcos made a positive impact on your life? And can you do that in 22 words? If so, you could be in with the chance to win a brand-new iPhone 14!

View All Telco Tales

Submit your original story below. If your story stands out, you can be a winner.


Evolution of Telecommunication

Nothing has evolved as fast and as far as telecommunication! Take a look below.

  • 1950s

    Multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS) or wireless cable

  • 1979

    Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) 800 MHz and 900 MHz bandwidth

  • 1991

    GSM, CDMA SMS & Email Services Roaming was made possible

  • 2001

    Video calling, location tracking and maps, TV and music streaming high quality 3D games

  • 2010

    High-definition video streaming and gaming voice over LTE network VoLTE

  • 2019

    LTE advanced schemes, Internet of Things, Autonomous Driving


Compare the pace of change in telecommunication with other products' evolution over time.

  • Evolution of Music

    Evolution of Music

  • Evolution of Books

    Evolution of Books

  • Evolution of Lights

    Evolution of Lights

  • Evolution of Time

    Evolution of Time

  • 1877

    The phonograph by Thomas Edison

    The phonograph by Thomas Edison
  • 1963

    Cassette tapes

    Cassette tapes
  • 1979

    Sony Walkman-cassette tape player

    Sony Walkman-cassette tape player
  • 1982

    CD ROM

    CD ROM
  • 2001


  • 2008


  • 3000 BCE

    City tablets of Mesopotamia

    City tablets of Mesopotamia
  • 2400 BCE

    Papyrus books

    Papyrus books
  • 868 CE

    Chinese bamboo books

    Chinese bamboo books
  • 1454

    Gutenberg's Bible

    Gutenberg's Bible
  • 1970

    Desktop Publishing

    Desktop Publishing
  • 2007

    Amazon Kindle

    Amazon Kindle
  • 7000 BEC

    Manmade torches

    Manmade torches
  • 4500 BCE

    Oil lamps

    Oil lamps
  • 1879

    Thomas Edison first electric incandescent bulb

    Thomas Edison first electric incandescent bulb
  • 1901

    Mercury vapor lights

    Mercury vapor lights
  • 1904

    Fluorescent bulb

    Fluorescent bulb
  • 1962

    LED bulbs

    LED bulbs
  • 2000 BC


  • 1338


  • 1524

    First pocket watch

    First pocket watch
  • 1927

    The Quartz clock

    The Quartz clock
  • 2004

    Microsoft SPOT

    Microsoft SPOT
  • 1962

    Apple smart watch

    Apple smart watch